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Autumn and Halloween Decor

Monday, October 15, 2018

Halloween is a little over two weeks away.  Do you decorate for Halloween?  

Happy Monday, My Lovelies!

I thought it would be fun to put together a round-up post to help me decide how to decorate for fall and/or Halloween.  I've only taken out a few velvet pumpkins, and I want to decorate for Christmas early this year so it's done before Thanksgiving.  That means Christmas decor will be up for a very long time because Thanksgiving this year is November 22,  the earliest it can be.

Below is a stroll down memory lane of how I've decorated for autumn and Halloween in the past.

I have a nice collection of glass pumpkins that reflect light on our breakfast room table.

A few years ago I used a lot of white in my autumn decor.  I hope my photography has improved a little since then!   ;P

Traditional autumn colors with a touch of blue

Pale in the dining room

Scooby Doo...Where are you?

Fall colors and pinks

One thing I've noticed is that I don't decorate very much for Halloween because October is our busiest month.  October brings travel to several horse shows, fall break (this year we have two), and  Shanley Belle's birthday.  

I think I'll decorate for Halloween this year and skip Thanksgiving because I won't be hosting Thanksgiving this year.

Come back later in the week for my Halloween decor!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Your house looks so festive, Ricki Jill. Love all the MC touches. Have a great week.

  2. Happy Monday Ricki Jill. Love your autumn decor. The witches hats for a centerpiece are so cute.
    Have a great week ahead.

  3. I love all of your Halloween decor, but my favorites are the glass pumpkins. I need to hunt for some.

  4. I pick and choose throughout the holidays what I'm going to go all out for and what I'm going to let slide. We usually decorate for Halloween and I will throw out some fall decor in November. We travel back home to Alabama for Thanksgiving and Christmas, so I don't feel the need to knock myself out! Looking forward to seeing your Halloween decor!

  5. I do decorate for Halloween. We participate in Trick or Treat on our street. It is always fun to see the little ones. One of my favorites from last year was a sweet little girl who was Dorothy and a real Toto dog ;-) !!

  6. Sometimes, I decorate for Halloween, but more often, just for fall. This year my kids went out and bought orange lights and put them up in the windows in the front of my house. It actually looks very festive and I didn't have to do a thing! I love that!

  7. So many good ideas, RJ! I'm off to see the posts on white and pink again. I'm behind the curve time wise and decor wise.

  8. While I don't decorate for Halloween, I enjoy seeing how much others love it. I love your traditional fall with MKC and touches of blue. Have a great week, Ricki Jill.

  9. It's always fun to look back, and often you see things you've forgotten about! I love to decorate for Halloween, but don't have much Thanksgiving stuff...I saw a really cute wreath on Etsy but it was $135! Yikes! I know you're having fun in this busy October, I am actually chilly today!

  10. Great photos! I remember quite a few of them:)love your style!

  11. Busy times RJ. Your decor looks lovely. Halloween is so fun to decorate. Love your glass pumpkins. We have a glass blower nearby that has a big event every year with all kinds of glass pumpkins.


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