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It's a Nancy Drew Tea Party

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Happy October, My Lovelies!  You're invited to a Nancy Drew Tea Party kicking off a month of Literary Fridays featuring my favorite sleuth.  

First off, I'd like to share with you my inspiration:

I was inspired by the October 2017 edition of Country Living Magazine.  There's a feature on hosting a Nancy Drew Halloween Party for adults, and it's about the cutest thing I've ever seen.  If you grew-up reading Nancy Drew and enjoying her adventures with Bess, George, and Ned, you must buy this issue before they're gone.
I was sold when I saw the adorable magnifying glass cookies!

Although the party in the magazine is an evening Halloween party, I decided to host a Nancy Drew Tea instead.


Scones with Lemon Curd
Magnifying Glass Cookies

I made the cookies, and they were freakin' hard!  Mine aren't Pinworthy live Country Living's, but that's okay.  We still had fun!

I love lemon curd on plain scones!

This tea party is a kick-off for October's Literary Fridays!  Every Friday in October I will be featuring a favorite Nancy Drew book.  I hope you'll get your inner sleuth on and join me every Friday this month and celebrate America's favorite detective!

Did you read Nancy Drew Mysteries when you were growing-up?  Do you have any favorites?

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Big fan of lemon curd, scones and Nancy Drew! It's been so long since I read them, I can't remember a favorite. My magazine arrived a couple of days ago and I noticed some great-looking food in there. I think I need to take another look.

  2. What a darling idea! I loved Nancy Drew! Thank you for inspiring me today and for the visit! I’ve missed you.

  3. My sister and I read all the Nancy Drew books, but it's been way too many years to remember specific stories. I have this issue of the Country Living magazine. I like your take on the idea. '-)

  4. I've always loved Nancy Drew and it would be hard to pick a favorite. But I found the cutest book in the library lobby this week...and bought it. Clues for a Real Life, The classic wit and wisdom of Nancy Drew. I've had fun reading it! Love your beautiful table...what a cute idea! Hugs!

  5. The Secret of the Wooden Lady....might be my favorite! Hugs!

  6. How fun!!! All the treats look so delicious and the table vignette is so pretty too! I read all the books growing up....great memories!!! Have a great week :o)

  7. How adorable, I love your magnifying glass cookies! What a fun theme for a tablescape, who doesn't love Nancy Drew!

  8. What a great idea. That Country Living issue looks so interesting. Unfortunately my CVS no longer carries it. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Oh my!! This will be so fun!!
    My sister LOVED Nancy Drew!
    And so did I, but my sister LOVED Nancy Drew. :-)
    xx oo

  10. Very cute idea and your table is, those yellow roses!! I did not read Nancy Drew growing up so I am not familiar with the books, other than selling a bunch in my Etsy shop once! Not sure how I missed reading them!

  11. How did I miss this? Love Nancy Drew (and just about any mystery!) and this is such a fun idea. I'll have to check out the magazine, too. Your table setting is lovely and the tea treats sound delish! Love this idea!

  12. I love this! You did a fantastic job and what fun! When I was a girl, I loved Nancy Drew. I read them all, and all the Hardy Boys, Dana Girls, and Bobbsey Twins. A friend of mine had really old copies from the 30s that she would sometimes lend. I guess they belonged to her grandmother. The really old ones had great vocabulary. xoxo Su

  13. Amazing!! I can't believe you made those cookies! Talk about dedication and what a beautiful table. Makes me want to go grab my books and start reading them all over again!


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