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My Happy List: Preparing for March

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Happy Tuesday, My Lovelies!  I hope y'all have had a lovely week so far.  Today is a beautiful day after a wet weekend and Monday morning.  The trees are beautiful in our backyard, above.

Spring makes me so happy.  I guess I'm just not a winter girl at all!  

I've been busy prepping for March.  There's lots going on with our family, and our girls have spring break during March, but not the same week.  *sadface*  Yesterday and Sunday I started decorating for St. Patrick's Day, so expect several Irish-themed posts next month.

Don't you just love ranunculus?  

Decorating for St. Patrick's Day and greening-up our home makes me happy!

I'm participating in a challenge over at the Caffeinated Reviewer:

Oh, how this challenge is tailor-made for me!

Reading is supposed to be all about fun, yet sometimes my TBR pile makes me feel guilty. This month, I've chosen a few select books to check-off my TBR list, and this makes me very happy!

I've started a reading journal, and the entry about Holly Black's The Cruel Prince is my first (above). I'm still doing a little art journaling, but this is in a different, much smaller journal. Journaling always makes me happy!

Here are a few interesting articles I've read recently that I thought might interest y'all:

1.   How does a library handle a rare book of deadly wallpaper samples?  Read this article about rare arsenic-laced Victorian wallpaper.  By the end of the nineteenth century, the American Medical Association estimated that nearly 65% of all wallpaper in the United States contained arsenic as it was mixed with copper to make Paris green.  

2.   Over at Your Modern Family there's a nice article entitled The Scary Truth About What's Hurting Our Kids that draws from several sources.  The good news is parents are able to help (after all this is a Happy List).  

It would make me very happy if you'd subscribe to my newsletter.  Sent weekly, I share the top post of the week with extra content not shared on the blog.  Look at the top of my sidebar for the link!  Thanks so much!

What's making you happy this week?

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I love the photo of the tree branches! Happy March to you. xoxo Su

  2. Is that tree in your yard? BEAUTIFUL!
    Happy March .. Think Spring

  3. My ornamental pear is blooming, so beautiful. Love your pretties. I usuallly make a St. Patrick's vignette in the kitchen to celebrate my Irish heritage. I love this time of year, I get excited for spring on beautiful days like today. I know you are enjoying the reading and your journaling is so pretty RJ. Hope you are enjoying the week.......

  4. I always love your Happy Lists! My grandkids are all off school at different times. It makes it hard to really plan anything. Sorry your girls are on different schedules, too.

    I love St.Patrick's Day things. Sadly, all of my spring/summer decor is stored in a warehouse & I can't get at it until we move in July...oh year!

    Have a great week- xo Diana

  5. All the flowering trees are making me happy! Everyday more things have come to life, yesterday I saw azaleas and green grass! Spring makes me so happy, let's hope it's here to stay! That is crazy about the wall paper, I've never heard that! Your table looks so cute~ happy March!

  6. I love spring too, RJ! Our trees are a tad behind yours, but oh, so lovely to watch the changes each day now. Coffee filters are not only great for pots, they're also great for slipping between dishes for shelf storage. ;)

  7. So springy and happy -- I can see why your decs made your happy list! I had no idea about the wallpaper!

    Quick question on the newsletter. I don't get pop-ups and I don't seem to get a newsletter but I do get email sign-ups for your posts. Is it the same? Do you have a link on your blog for signing up? I tried to find a link in your paragraph above but nothing seemed to pop. Anyway, I'd love it -- can you put me in?


Comments are friendly!

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