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Sometimes You Feel Like a Nut

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I really had good intentions this morning.  I try to cook a hot breakfast every morning for my family, but sometimes I don't have any takers.  With the end of the school year standardized testing and final exams on the horizon, I want the little sister to have a protein-rich breakfast every morning.  Plus I must admit that I've been stalking Jane's blog (Jane's Adventure in Dinner) for her Brunch Week recipes.  They.  Are.  AWESOME!

I set a cheerful table:

And planned to boil eggs and cook bacon:

Maybe make some toast and cappuccino.

But this is what Shelley wanted for breakfast!  :/

Overnight, I made some oatmeal for myself.  You might remember my post entitled The Best Oatmeal *Ever*.  I first read about it on Beth's Blog, and I make it all the time.  The beauty of overnight oatmeal is that it saves you so much time in the morning, and it's perfect during warm months.  Another friend sent me a recipe for overnight oatmeal, and it is delicious, too.  It's Almond Joy Oatmeal, and I *heart* it.

Almond Joy Overnight Oatmeal


1/2 cup rolled oats
1 cup unsweetened coconut milk 
1 1/2 tablespoon ground chia seeds
A pinch of salt
2 tablespoons unsweetened (or sweetened) shredded coconut
1 tablespoon sliced almonds
1 tablespoon chocolate chips, either sweet or semi-sweet, or cacao nibs 


Pour the oats, milk, seeds, and salt into a bowl and mix.  Cover and place in the fridge overnight to set.
Pour into a cereal bowl and top with coconut, almonds, and chips.

NOTE:  I used milk chocolate chips and sweetened coconut because I wanted the added sweetness.  This recipe serves one, but I found it was very rich, so I shared mine.  Also, it pairs well with espresso or cappuccino.  If you try it with nibs, let me know if you liked it, 'cause sometimes you feel like a nut, and sometimes you don't!  ;P

Cappuccino and espresso pair well with this breakfast.

What did you have for breakfast?

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Quisp was my favorite breakfast growing up! I understand your daughter wanting it :-) I have a protein rich breakfast on work days, and oatmeal and French toast on the weekend. xo

  2. Oh wow! Your lucky family!! Although, I must say, I'm pretty lucky too - even though I'm almost 30 years old, I still stop in at my mom's for breakfast on my way to work every morning. She knows I hate cereal, so I usually get a boiled egg with toast, hot oatmeal, or fruit & yogurt. I have to say, though, she doesn't set her table nearly as beautifully as you do! ;)

  3. Are those chia seeds like what comes with the ceramic pet or is there a less hairy variety?

  4. RICKI! You are too, too, too sweet and I need those egg cups in a very bad way.

    Can't tell you how much I appreciate the post.

  5. Oh my! I love a good breakfast! I had Protein Special K this morning with strawberries on top....and just a sprinkle of granola! Yummy! I love oatmeal and like to put fruit and walnuts on top!

  6. Ricki Jill~ Your Almond Joy Oatmeal is a delicious way to start the day! LOVE your chicken and the egg set! :))

  7. YAY! I have soooo much shredded coconut that I need to use up AND cacao nibs. I am totally trying this next week. Thanks! :D
    To be fair, I learned overnight oatmeal from Miss Angie...and it's a glorious, glorious thing.
    And hey, the next time you're set for a full brekkie and Shelley only wants cereal, let me know- I'll gladly come enjoy eggs and bacon and whatnot. :)

  8. You are such an awesome Mama. We are usually a cereal or breakfast bar family. Sometimes we'll have pancakes or bacon and eggs.
    I LOVE your stamped items. Where did you get them?

  9. RJ, this oatmeal sounds and looks so delicious, now I’m starving. I hit the floor running, have been all week and I forgot to have breakfast. After seeing this I’m going to the kitchen for a cup of coffee and toast.
    Happy weekend.

    The French Hutch

  10. I teehee'd with this - my kids do the same to me sometimes. I get in the mood to cook, and they want cereal. *sigh.>*

    And I LOVE LOVE your cups - egg vs chicken ones. ;)

  11. I tried it this week, with cacao nibs (and dark chocolate chips, half and half, because nibs are bitter) and subbed half the coconut milk with nonfat greek yogurt. It's delicious, and as you said, rich! YUM.


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