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Book Review: A Lot Like Forever

Thursday, September 22, 2022


Happy Thursday, My Lovelies!  Today is the first day of fall.  

Does it feel like fall in your neck of the woods?  Yesterday it was in the nineties here in Central Alabama, but I won't let that stop me from enjoying all the fall things.

If you need a little nudge to get into the fall spirit, I have just the book for you:  Jennifer Snow's A Lot Like Forever.

About A Lot Like Forever
Paperback: 336 Pages

Publisher: Entangled: Amara (August 23, 2022)

Whitney Carlisle has everything under control–or at least that’s what she needs everyone in Blue Moon Bay to think. She has always faced the hard times in her life head-on and come out stronger for it. But this time, she isn’t so sure. Whitney knows she needs help, but how can she put that burden on Trent, her fiancé? How can she crush his dreams by telling him the plans they made for a future together have to change?

All Trent Connolly wants is to get married, have kids, and spend the rest of his life loving Whitney. Their relationship has had its share of ups and downs–like any other couple–and they’ve always managed to get through it unscathed. So when Whitney is clearly struggling with something, Trent is ready to help. His fiancée’s strong will is part of what draws him to her–but this time, it feels like it’s pushing him away.

Whatever Whitney is hiding from everyone has to be big. Possibly life-changing. She must believe that revealing her secret would do Trent more harm than good, even if it crushes her under the weight of it. The only thing he can do now is be there for her in whatever way she needs…until a secret of his own comes to light that threatens to steal their chance at forever.

Although A Lot Like Forever is Book 3 in the Blue Moon Bay Series, each book in the series is STANDALONE:

* A Lot Like Love
* A Lot Like Christmas
* A Lot Like Forever

I appreciate it when an author and/or publisher sends extras with books and ARCs.  This book came with a postcard and bookmark.

This is what the postcard says:

Dear Readers:

Welcome back to Blue Moon Bay!  Fall is my favorite season with its changing weather and beautiful landscape of colors, so I love setting books during that time of year.  Pumpkin spice and spooky Halloween movies, the fall harvest, and visiting the corn maze are all very special to me and my family, and I love incorporating those elements into my stories.

This fall romance features a very driven heroine with no time to slow down and a local bar owner who is determined to support her any way he can.  Unfortunately, secrets threaten to destroy the strong foundation they've built their relationship on.  Sometimes love can be tested even when two people are perfect for one another.  I hope you'll enjoy Whitney and Trent's journey to a second chance at forever-together.

Enjoy fall in Blue Moon Bay!
Jennifer Snow

I enjoy stories set in fall, too!

Here's My Review:

Whitney has a secret: It was love from the start with her now-fiancé Trent, but a bombshell has rocked her life, and she can’t let go of their dreams long enough to tell her husband-to-be the truth that will change everything. 

Ensue a second-chance romance that sweetly wraps back around to show how the couple met and fell in love… and proves to us how their relationship could be unbreakable, if they’re brave enough to take a leap of faith. 

Trent was pure cinnamon roll here— all sweetness and support, with an intense determination anyone could love. It was Whitney who had to grow and adapt to her life being turned upside down when she was already overwhelmed from wedding planning, a sick mother, and a cutthroat job. 

Other than the romance, the highlight of this book is the fall atmosphere! You have all the fall themes, including a haunted house, in a cozy coastal Hallmark town setting that includes both biological and found family. I recommend pairing this book with some spiced cider while wearing flannel. 

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Disclosure:  I received a paperback copy of A Lot Like Forever from the publisher via TLC Book Tours in exchange for a fair and honest review.  Thank-you for asking me to be a part of the tour!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


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