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My Happy List 11/12/13

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

My Happy List

Welcome to My Happy List!

1.   Use the button coding above on your happy post.
2.   Link-up using the convenient linky tool at the end of this post.
3.   Visit other happy posts and have fun!

Shelley missed all the Veterans' Day activities at school yesterday because she's sick, so we've just been hanging out at home relaxing!
My Happy List

1.   IEA show season is over, and both the middle school and high school teams made it to Regionals in March.  Congratulations, Birmingham girls!!!

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2.   It has been said that desperation necessity is the mother of invention. Well, I was desperate over the weekend trying to cook and entertain unexpectedly.  So I made these:

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I wrapped brie cheese and pears in crescent rolls.

I'm so happy that they weren't a disaster and tasted pretty good!

3.   Bonnie on the boat!

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This dog always makes me happy!!!

4.   I started a new painting.  Happy!

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Not bad after just one wash!

5.   Look what I won from the Eclectic Hobo!!!

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Look how cute it was wrapped!

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It's a skeleton fairy!  I love him.  He'll keep me company in the studio!
Thanks, Gina!

6.   Autumn is a wonderful time of the year to enjoy Lake Martin.  I think I could live there year-round. But I think I'd hate January and February there, but then again, I'd hate those two months just about anywhere!  ;P

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Lake Martin makes me happy!
This is our neighbor, by the way….

What's making you happy this week?  

Until next time…

Ricki Jill


  1. What a fabulous weekend to spend at the lake. Your little dog is so precious! Congrats to your daughter and her friends...what an accomplishment! We're back in FL which makes my happy list complete! heehee! Have a good day my friend!

  2. Love the horse ribbon! Pretty pink and congrats! You know, among the vintage people, they make ribbons - something I want to check more into. Love your painting of Ball jars. And what a nice treat in the mail - love the skeleton fairy - so clever! I need to get workin' on my Happy List and hope to hook up soon!

  3. -chuckle- I guess I'll be happy, when I get my old cracked tooth out, Wednesday.
    Welllllll, not then exactly. But after the "hole" heals up. Then I will be happy. :-)


  4. A week at the lake . . . little Bonnie . . . talented daughters . . . time to paint . . . a whole lot of "happy"

  5. The Lake? Wow, I love knowing that you are on the lake while I am wondering if we will be able to skate on our pond by the end of November this year. Snow has been falling for 4 days now and accumulating on the ground.
    Congrats to your daughter RJ! What fun.

  6. You made me happy, Bonnie is adorable and skeleton fairy is just so wrong it made me laugh!! I am happy that finally this week I got my Mom to agree to go to an independent living facility, that has tons of activity and care...What a relief....Happy!


  7. I like the look of that skeleton fairy very nice I could see my daughter like it also, it is just so Jessica.....................

  8. Love, love this link up party! What a fantastic uplifting idea!

  9. Bonnie is soooo cute, and I SERIOUSLY love the skeleton fairy!

  10. I am working on updating my blog and the party links, etc.
    I am so glad to find your Happy List party so I can add it.

    Congratulations on the great (cute) skeleton fairy win.

  11. My sister would love the skeleton fairy. She has a skeleton "Day of the Dead" motif in her apartment. I just decorate with books. =)

  12. What a wonderful list. Those brie bites sound yummy!

  13. Hi Ricki Jill, I'm late but I made it! Thanks so much for hosting.
    The skeleton is sooo cute!

  14. Is it a watercolour you are doing? I have no idea how you could do that with watercolour, but that is why you are an artist and I'm a creative-work-in-progress.

  15. Beautiful painting you are working on -- two of my faves, blue ball jars & turquoise blue! I think those brie cheese & pear crescent rolls sound delish! I kind of don't think you would mind AZ desert weather in January &!


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I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.


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