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What's On My Reading List 11-13-13

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Sometimes I want to read blog posts on my computer when I don't have internet access.  Then it dawned on me that I can save posts to my reading list.  {duh.}

I have been clearing out my rather lengthy reading list and pinning away (some of you might have wondered how I was pinning so many seemingly random things so quickly yesterday), and I thought I'd share some of my favorites.  Who knows?  I might make this a regular feature here on my blog!

Please keep in mind that most of these posts are older.  Still I hope they bring you as much joy as they have me!

1.  "Autumn Hideaway" magazine shoot styled by Selina Lake from her blog

2.   "Shower of Flowers" marigold seed party favors from An Italian Girl in Georgia

3.   One of my favorite blogs is Hedgerow Rose.  I dream about having a garden of my own one day!  "Cupcakes for the Rose Lover" is a fun post!

Cupcake toppers can be found here at Cupcake Social.

4.   "Demo at Montgomery" by Qiang-Huang.  I am determined to take one of his workshops.

5.   "3 of the Prettiest Kitchens Ever" @ Milk and Honey Home.  I hope you agree....they are lovely kitchens!  My favorite on is the third one.  LOVE the windows!

6.   "Adorn an Old Lampshade Frame" created by Dena Fishbein.  I want to make one!

7.   Oh, that Yvonne @ Stone Gable is a genius!  I loved her Summer "Coffee Bar",  and her fall one is pretty fantastic, too.  I want one!  :D  

Do you keep a reading list on your computer?  

Linking to:

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Beeeeautiful...

    And I want the pillows in the pic from #1!!! Oh sigh, oh my, yes!

    I think that when we do things like... Put a 'Page' up with our reading, or etc.... We have to tell our Dear Readers, in a post. Like you and I have done. And actually, it wouldn't hurt to remind them, now and then. :-) My memory is like a sieve and it surely helps, to remind me!

    We have read some of the same books! Oh that's delightful. Well, it would be even more so, to know when someone is reading A book. And then be able to chat a bit, about it, when we are done. I often wish I had someone to clear up something for me, or etc., when finishing a book.

    I've been in a "Cozy Mystery Books" rut, for a while now. Soon, I have to branch out again and find something wildly different! -grin- But I just had to have a tooth removed today (Wed.) and a "Cozy Mystery Books" rut is very nice, for such a day. :-)


  2. What an awesome idea! I never even thought of that.

  3. Those are all cute ideas, Ricki Jill. Nope- I don't keep a reading list on my computer. You are way too smart- xo Diana

  4. Thanks for showing me several new blogs to visit.

  5. These are some great ideas, Ricki Jill! I love the blue dishes and tea cup. And the red roses made me smile. I am already getting into the Christmas spirit. I just can't help myself.


  6. I will never catch up on my reading - blog or otherwise.
    But I always love finding links to new places to visit.

  7. Great posts! Thanks so much for linking up!


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