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Musical Monday: Can't Get There from Here

Monday, November 11, 2013

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Happy Veterans' Day!!!  I want to thank all of our veterans for their bravery and service to our country.  Shelley's classmates are bowling with veterans this morning and attending Birmingham's Veterans' Day Parade this afternoon.  Shelley's home sick, so I'm taking her to the doctor this afternoon. I think she might have bronchitis!  I'm sad she's going to miss all the fun today honoring veterans.  

It seems as if the end of October and beginning of November has been one long fall break since my daughters' fall breaks didn't coincide (of course)....but don't let the word "break" mislead you because we've been super busy!

Lately we've been listening to a few college playlists (I attended college in the mid-eighties), so *of course* R.E.M. was on the playlists.

Here is one of my favorites from REM.  I hope you enjoy it!   The song is odd and the video is even odder.  I love the scenes around rural Georgia.

"Can't Get There from Here" Lyrics
from the Fables of the Reconstruction album

When the world is a monster bad to swallow you whole
Kick the clay that holds the teeth in, throw your trolls out the door
If you're needing inspiration, Philomath is where I go by dawn
Lawyer Jeff, he knows the lowdown, he's mighty bad to visit home 
(I've been there I know the way) Can't get there from here 
(I've been there I know the way) Can't get there from here 
(I've been there I know the way) Can't get there from here 
When your hands are feeling empty, stick head jumpin' off the ground round
Tris is sure to shirr the deer out, Brother Ray can sing my song 
(I've been there I know the way) Can't get there from here 
(I've been there I know the way) Can't get there from here 
(I've been there I know the way) Can't get there from here 
Hands down, Calechee bound, landlocked, kiss the ground
Dirt of seven continents going round and round
Go on ahead, Mr. Citywide, hypnotized, suit-and-tied
Gentlemen, testify 
If your world is a monster bad to swallow you whole
Philomath, they know the lowdown, throw your trolls out the door 
(I've been there I know the way) Can't get there from here 
(I've been there I know the way) Can't get there from here 
(I've been there I know the way) Can't get there from here
(I've been there I know the way) Can't get there from here 
(I've been there I know the way) Can't get there from here 
(I've been there I know the way) Can't get there from here 
(I've been there I know the way) Can't get there from here

Philomath is a small town in Georgia, but I have no idea what Michael Stipe meant by Calechee bound.

What have you been listening to lately?

Join Miss Angie @ Musical Monday!  By the way....Angie is featuring one of my favorite (new) songs today!!!

Musical Mondays
Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Sorry that Shelley is sick... Especially on this day, when her class is honoring Veterans. Best wishes for her quick recovery. Here, my 15 year old Granddaughter was home with a bad cold. 'Tis the season.

    I've been interested in listening to Joni Mitchell... "Big Yellow Taxi" and others. :-)


  2. I'm sorry she is sick. If you think she has bronchitis, she's pretty sick. I hope she is better soon. My daughter caught pneumonia last year.

  3. I think the Calechee is a river in Georgia.


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