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My Happy List 8/6/13 *plus* a Chaotic Goddess Local Flavors Swap!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

My Happy List

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Good Tuesday Morning, Sweeties!  I hope your day is a happy one so far. This Happy List is a compilation of happy from the summer I haven't blogged about yet.  Plus, I want to share a little bit about Chaotic Goddess Swaps. I've participated in three of their swaps so far, and the have been so much fun.  I will share about another one at the end of this post.

My Happy List

1.   Summertime roses always make me happy!  (Especially when they're locally grown!)

2.   I found some pretty summertime placemats and napkins on sale at Pier 1 that match the vase I received for my birthday (above).  I love this tablescape with the sea glass!  Sales make me happy!

3.   Mr. Art @ Home brought me some pottery home from New Orleans. :D Mr. Art's presents always make me happy...he gives great gifts!

It's a bread bowl...

...complete with a Quick Bread recipe!  :D

I had to try it.  It's a bit sweet, and it makes a great bread to slice and toast for breakfast!
The bowl was made by Potsalot Pottery.

4.   I found the perfect recipe for grilled swordfish!  Healthy recipes make me happy!  Here it is:

Grilled Greek Swordfish

2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
Juice of one lemon
1/2 t minced garlic
4 swordfish steaks
1 t Greek seasoning

1.   Preheat grill to medium-high.  Combine olive oil, lemon juice, and garlic in a medium bowl.  Divide mixture in half; set aside on half.  Season fish with Greek seasoning and coat with oil mixture.
2.   Grill fish 5 - 6 minutes on each side or until flesh is opaque and firm. Brush with remaining oil mixture.

NOTE:  I grilled our steaks for 5 1/2 minutes exactly on each side, and they were perfect!  I wish I had a photo to share, but it was late, and I forgot to take one.

5.   Here's an update on The Book of Doing.  

I had to plan a themed party.  Mine was the Mad Tea Party.

I loved this window at Anthropologie.  The dress form was draped with flowers, and the table had an amazing inspiration board over it.

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I've been swimming a lot this summer, and I've been biking, too.  So I colored!  ;P

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6.   Beth and Angie are hosting a very fun swap *drumroll, please*

Swap Objective
Fill a package with goodies that represent your town, or things specific to your location, for your partner.
(for example: If you're from Seattle, you might include Starbucks goodies, since Starbucks is a known brand from Seattle, or an umbrella, since Seattle is a rainy area)

Doesn't that sound like fun!!!  Chaotic Goddess Swaps make me so, so happy!

Here are some possible prizes for my swap partner:

Wickles Pickles are made very near our lake cabin.  They're wickedly delicious pickles!

How about this original Alabama Dirt t-shirt?  Oh, EVERYONE will be signing up for this swap and BEGGING Angie and Beth to be paired with me!

DISCLAIMER:  I do go to church, but for Jesus.  I ain't afeared of no devil signs!

You can read all about the Local Flavors Swap here!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Hey! Send me your addy and I will make you a pumpkin tassel! I also joined the swap - thanks for posting about that, it sounds like fun. I always love this kind of activity, but the last one i did thru another site was a lousy experience - I sent out 3 different hand made gifts and never got anything, the hostesses said they would send me something they made - and never did - haha - comedy of errors - BUT this one sounds like fun! Love your table setting, and especially your flower frog!!

  2. Your roses are beautiful! And the gifts from your husband are wonderful! What a sweet man!

    I love Wickles!

    Have a great day

  3. Heeheeeheee! I'm so excited that you're joining us for the swap! And also, wickles sound excellent, swordfish is amazing (and so super simple), and that quick bread looks like an excellent option for making a breadbowl-based soup or stew, as well. Mr. Art @ Home does indeed have great taste!

    That's a lot of terrific happy! :)


    How nice to see your fantastic photos of roses against a chippy white background, aqua bowls and happy colors! And I know you from a few encounters, but I see you are an English teacher! I teach French. And you are a horse-lover? YAYYYY! And you love and own westies....well then, you are my kinda gal!

    Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the rest of August as it soon will be over! Anita

  5. Fabulous and informative post, RJ. Those roses are to die for. I hope you paint more of them! Did you find the sea glass yourself? I would love to have some some day. It's so pretty. I looked in the Bahamas but didn't find any. What a delightful gift from your Mr. Art. So sweet! And I can see what you meant by you were coloring when you wrote to me last time. Haha! I love Tinkerbell and you haven't lost your touch at all!! I want to join in on the swap! Thanks for hosting as always.

  6. Great post, Ricki Jill. I LOVE that tablescape-it is fresh looking and fun! Sea glass is so very lovely and makes me feel nostalgic for Florida. Have fun with the swap! xo Diana

  7. What a Darling Mr. Art is! I love the roses, such beautiful color in white hon!!! Your aqua bowls are so pretty as is your entire table, sweet friend. I'd love to join the swap, but I guess I'm a bit too far away, lol.. Thanks for the fish récipe too! Thank you for your sweet and kind visit. Have a wonderful week Ticky Jill...give your daughter a kiss for me.

  8. I am happy that you are here, and it makes me smile to think of you trying to get that overhead table view (I am also happy you did not fall). That swap sounds like such fun!

  9. Your hubby has great taste in pottery! Have fun with the swap, and is love to see what you send and receive.

  10. What a fun post. And beautiful!

    Any swap I would join that involved local "flavor" would have to include CHEESE and probably bratwurst. I am also near the Kohler company, so might have to include something plumbing related.

  11. gorgeous flower and yay you joined the Flavor swap me too

  12. Ok the roses are just beautiful but what I liked most was Tinkerbell......

  13. Well, Tinkerbell is just too sweet!

    Souther men know how to give good presents!

    I always buy Wickles, if only they made a dill.

  14. The roses are beautiful and I can see how they can make you happy. Your tablescape is beautiful as well. I have been thinking about the swap as well. I have 3 days to make up my mind.

    Mr Art@Home has great taste in gifts for you. Good job Mr Art@Home.

  15. Such a great post! Your roses are gorgeous. And the place mats and pottery are wonderful too!

  16. I love those blue mason jars, too! They are everywhere. But I love the insulator you show used as a flower holder on a stand, gorgeous! I'll be looking for one! Thanks so much for hosting!

  17. LOL! That's hilarious! I'm so glad you're joining this swap! :)

    Love those tablescapes too!

  18. I have a piece of pottery just like your bread bowl, and I never thought about baking bread in it! What a great idea. =)

  19. This is a fantastic Happy List. Every item on the list made me smile. Especially the roses and the quickbread. Can't wait to see what you send/receive in the swap.


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I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.


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