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My Happy List

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Jolene is hosting My Happy List this week.  Thanks, Jolene.  You're the best!
I wanted to pop in and write a quick post to thank everyone for their kindness during this difficult time for our family.  Your emails, comments, cards, flowers, gifts, etc. have meant the world to us.
When I left for New Orleans Thursday for my mother-in-law's memorial service, I had a terrible sore throat.  By the time we got home Saturday morning, I had pneumonia.  
Plus we're hosting Thanksgiving this year.  I'm a wee bit overwhelmed, but I have delegated most of the meal out to others.
I am happy that I will be spending Thanksgiving with my family, including my mother and grandmother.

I am also happy that my sweet neighbor JaWanda sent me some mini pies because I'm sick (she is baking one of her world-famous sweet potato pies for our Thanksgiving dinner, too).  So I am happy to say I got to pick between the Praline Sweet Potato Pie or the Chocolate Marble Sweet Potato Pie for my lunch today.  :D

Check out JaWanda's website!

Decisions, decisions!  

I decided to eat the Sweet Potato and Chocolate Marble pie.

What's on your Happy List this week?

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. oh Ricki I'm so sorry you are having such a troubled time, please let everyone help as much as they can, the pneumonia is probably come about from the sore throat and then the stress, stress weakens our immune system so much.Please be well and try to have a Happy Thanksgiving,

  2. Oh sweet deserved to just eat both pies at once! Have a holiday filled with warm memories. xoxox

  3. Have a Happy Thanksgiving filled with love and happiness

  4. I hope you feel better soon! Enjoy the holiday and it is wonderful you have caring people to assist you. Enjoy the pie.

  5. I'm so sorry you are sick. Yuck. What a terrible time. Enjoy your sweet little pie and your dear family with you over the holidays. Hugs to you.

  6. Feel better soon. Life sometimes does get overwhelming, and it seems that it never fails that is when we get sick.

  7. I'm glad I decided to pop over and see if you had a new post today. I have been thinking about you and wondering how things were going. Being sick at a time like this just makes it all worse, doesn't it. I'm hoping that pie acts like a big dollop of medicine and gets you back on track. Give your family a hug - that's really the best medicine after all.

  8. So sorry that you're sick!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. Sorry to hear that you're not well, hope you soon feel better, with a neighbour like JaWanda I'm sure you'll have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  10. Oh no Ricki Jill. I hope you are feeling better each day. Glad you are home and getting ready for your family and Thanksgiving. Such a sweet neighbor to bring you pies. I had to LOL when I saw your decision on which one to eat! Why not, a not feeling good day needs some pie.
    Wish you and Tripp and family a wonderful Thanksgiving. Please know how sorry I was to hear about him mom.
    Thinking about Saturday, Roll Tide!

    The French Hutch

  11. Ricki Jill,
    So sorry to hear you are ill, on top of your family's loss. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family.

  12. I am so sorry to hear that you are sick, Ricki Jill. This has been such a stressful time for you, sweet friend. Please rest and let others take care of you. Happy Thanksgiving.


  13. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss and recent illness. I just pray that that little bite of sweetness infuses a little happiness into your day.
    Take care.

  14. *hugs* I hope you feel MUCH better soon! I wish I lived close enough to bring a casserole over, but know that you're in my thoughts.

  15. I have been wondering about you. I hope you were able to enjoy time with your family on this past weekend American Thanksgiving.Do try to take care of yourself. Pneumonia is not something you want to fool around with. Sounds like you are needing some down time.


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