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My Happy List: Schedules and Plans

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Peaceful little corner in the art studio

My Happy List

I'm so happy that we are all home from New Orleans, the kids are back in school, and we are in a routine again.  I'm hoping that I'll continue to feel better now that we are on a regular schedule.

Simple Christmas:  candles, fresh greenery, and Poinsettias

This year I'm keeping our Christmas decor simple:  mostly Poinsettias and candles/votives.  I'll add fresh greenery closer to Christmas.  I have a plan, and this makes me very happy!

One of two pear paintings I'm working on:  I want to finish them by the end of next week!

I'm so happy to be back in the studio painting today.  I haven't painted in over three weeks, so it's good to be painting again!

What's making you happy?  Jolene and Aubrey are hosting My Happy List.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. It's always good to get back to our routine.

    The painting looks great!

  2. your painting is beautiful, I love your style, it reminds me of the old masters, its beautiful. I'm so glad to hear you are feeling some better, you have had a very rough go of it, things must be calmer if you are painting, thats always a good sign, that will help you heal,

  3. So glad to see you all are home and back to somewhat of a schedule before Christmas. Love your pear painting, it is so stunning. Hugs sweetie.

  4. Happy Holidays Ricki Jill
    I am glad to hear you are back home and doing some therapy through painting.
    Simple is good for the soul.

  5. It feels nice to be back to normal no matter how much we anticipate a trip. I'm glad you are back to painting, this one of the pears is just beautiful! We will decorate later in the months, too, as we get a live tree.

    Have a great week!


  6. Your Christmas decorations sound beautiful. I am glad you have some routine back and I do hope you feel better soon.

  7. Hope you are all doing well. A simple Christmas sounds wonderful.

  8. I am happy that you are feeling better and back in your studio! I wish I had a decorating plan.i don't recall being particularly unhappy with last Year's results, but not thrilled either. I need something fresh!

  9. Ricki Jill, what pretty vignettes! Your painting is gorgeous!

  10. I love your beautiful paintings and I'm glad you are home. I know it's been such a hard time and it really does make you tired all over. Try to take it easy and get plenty of rest. I'm keeping you in my prayers, sweet friend, Diane

  11. Yay for Christmas decorating. I'm so glad to see you back this week!

  12. I'm happy to see you are doing well. I feel like I haven't visited you in some time.

  13. Hey my sweet friend,your painting is so life-like.

    Happy yall are home and happy!!

  14. Hi Ricki Jill, lovely painting your are working on. Glad to hear you are getting your days back to your normal routine and feeling better. Nice Christmas plans. We are doing road trips and busy up until Christmas so I'm scaling back some too this year.

  15. I'm glad to hear or read in this case that you are doing well. :) I'm sure after weeks of absence in painting you will produce the greatest pieces this week.

    Have a great one Ricki :)

  16. Hope you are going to show us the final product when both pear paintings are done ... this one is lovely

  17. Wishing you all the best as the healing continues.


  18. I am so glad you are feeling better and you are all back to your routine. You will slowly find your way to a new normal. My prayers are with you Ricki!

  19. Hi, Ricki

    Love your painting and in my favorite color too. : ) You are so talented.



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