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Easy Blackberry Cobbler

Saturday, July 21, 2012


Mr. Art @ Home wanted blackberry cobbler for his birthday rather than a cake.  I used the Easy Blackberry Cobbler recipe from the July 2008 issue of Southern Living.

Easy Blackberry Cobbler


4 cups fresh blackberries
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 large egg
1 cup sugar
1 cup all-purpose flour
6 tablespoons butter, melted
Whipped cream (optional)
Garnish: fresh mint sprig


Preheat oven to 375°. Place blackberries in a lightly greased 8-inch square baking dish; sprinkle with lemon juice. Stir together egg, sugar, and flour in a medium bowl until mixture resembles coarse meal. Sprinkle over fruit. Drizzle melted butter over topping. Bake at 375° for 35 minutes or until lightly browned and bubbly. Let stand 10 minutes. Serve warm with whipped cream, if desired. Garnish with fresh mint sprig, if desired.

For a neat presentation, bake for the same amount of time in 6 (8-oz.) ramekins on an aluminum foil-lined baking sheet.
Southern Living
JULY 2008


This is what the cobbler looks like when placing it in the oven.

The cobbler was such a huge hit that I am baking another one this weekend!  The key to success is to blend the sugar, flour, and egg into a fine meal consistency.  I used a pastry blender, but if you don't have one use a large fork.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. That sounds so good! I just madea mixed berry crisp yesterday, but will have to give this one a try. I'm visiting from Seasonal Sundays

  2. My Dad would love to come to your house when you're serving this. In fact, he would pick the blackberries for you. Each year he and our neighbor seek out the wild blackberry patches in the subdivision and tell each other when it's time to go picking. Although we could probably have more berries, this year we had him bring home only enough berries for 2 cobblers and a few left ofter for smoothies.

    Happy belated birthday to your husband!

  3. Oh, I love cobblers. You remind me to get a move on making them this summer. Great to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  4. Happy Birthday to Mr Art @ Home!!! What a great way to celebrate his birthday on a Sunday :)

    I forgot to include the linky in my Beautiful Sunday series. You can now link up your post Ricki. Thanks

  5. We went to a pool party last evening, and they invited me to pick blackberries at their home for the next two weeks while they are on vacation. I love cobblers and will be using this recipe! Happy Birthday to Mr. Art.

  6. Oh yummy! Ricki that looks so divine ~ I saved your recipe in my favorites. Just made peach crisp, but will try this one too.

    Thanks so much for your visit to my blog...I will list some of my photos in my Etsy shop. I appreciate your input and encouragement!

    Happy weekend.

    Ciao bella,

  7. Happy Birthday to your hubby!

    I made this exact recipe earlier in the summer with frozen berries that I had in my freezer and it was so good. After seeing your post, now I want to make it again.

  8. Yummy and what a great birthday treat! Ann

  9. Oh, blackberry cobbler is one of my all time favorite things! This looks so yummy!

  10. This makes my mouth water! Served hot with a dollop of vanilla ice perfect dessert! Stay cool today!

  11. Hi RJ! Oh, I just love blackberry cobbler or anything blackberry! I'm going to copy your recipe as I'm not really pleased with the one I make. Yummy! Now I need to go to the store and buy some blackberries.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  12. Oh, YUM! Love cobblers. Would be sublime with a cup of tea! lol~Thanks for sharing the recipe. Have a great week :)

  13. Hi Ricki! Diane here again :) just want to say thank you for linking up

    Have a great week!

  14. Oh, brilliant! I can't wait to try this as soon as my blackberries get ripe. Thanks!

  15. Did you know black berry cobbler is my favorite cobbler. Maybe because as a kid, on vacation in OR every summer, we would go a pickin and then my aunt would make a cobbler or pie. You have given me the dessert for next Sunday dinner. Yummy. Thanks for linking it up Ricki.

  16. Looks delish!! I will have to try. Our farmers market has fresh local blackberries right now!

  17. Yummy, our blackberries are abundant on Vancouver Island,everywhere you look in late August. In addition to the annual jam fest I will definitely have to make this cobbler

  18. I don't know why I missed all of your posts...and I have a whole bunch of blackberries in the fridge---glad I clicked right to your blog in my blogger reader!


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