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Third August Craft for Early Fall

Saturday, August 31, 2024


Happy Saturday, My Lovelies!  I hope you're enjoying your long weekend so far, and maybe watching a little college football.  Today I'm sharing with you the third August craft for early fall.

In case you missed them, I shared a cloche craft HERE and a vintage bottle craft HERE.

Today's craft was inspired by a banner I saw on Country Living Magazine's website:

Here are the supplies I used:

I found the leaves in the party aisle at the Hallmark Store.  I purchased two fall ribbon bundles from Michael's.  I also decided to use fall craft paper for the lettering rather than cutting out the letters on the leaves.  The paper is from Daphne's Diary.


Hang your ribbon on four hooks or pegs.  I hung mine on the pegs on my floral work table.  You could use cup hooks if you have them on a dresser, or you could use Command Hooks anywhere.

Spell out the letters on your leaves:  I chose a font I liked and copied the letters on my craft paper.  Then, I cut them out and glued them onto the leaves.  If you don't like your handwriting, you could use a stencil or even purchase large sticker letters and use them.

Pin your leaves onto a ribbon or two using the little clothespins.  You can find them at most crafts stores.  Yay!  So easy.

I added a few of our glass pumpkins and acorns that are the same colors as the ribbons.

What do you think?  Which one of my crafts do you like best?  Will you try any of them?

Please come back tomorrow for our September 1, 2024 edition of the Tales of the Traveling Tote.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill

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