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Summer Tablescape: Old Glory

Tuesday, June 13, 2023


Happy Flag Day Eve, My Lovelies!  In honor of the holiday, I decided to celebrate Old Glory for the Summer Tablescape Blog Hop hosted by My Friend Rita at the Panoply Blog.  In keeping with proper etiquette and respect for the flag, everything on my table is patriotic themed and not derived from a real American flag.  The American flag is more than the cloth and colors that we see. It embodies the principles, history, and people who make the United States what it is.

Thank-you so much for hosting, Rita!

Let's take a look at our breakfast room table.  I set it for breakfast because we like to eat dinner outside this time of year.

I started with very primitive vintage table linens.  I bought them when Mr. Bookish and I lived in Nashville thirty-four years ago.  Everything back then was primitive and country, with tons of quilts, salt glazed pottery, and plenty of homespun and gingham fabrics.  Although this isn't quite my style, I have kept these linens all these years, and I do still like them because of their patriotic theme.

This is a close-up of the center star on the placemats.  I also placed a small table runner in the middle of the table.

The napkins are from Pier 1; I bought them several years ago.  The red and white gingham ones I purchased for Christmas, actually.  I added the red rose napkin ring because the red rose is our national flower.  The rose was designated the official flower and floral emblem of the United States of America in 1986.

I added red, white, and blue bowls (actually café au lait bowls) from Anthropologie.  Lately, we've been having sweet vermicelli with raspberries for breakfast, and it is surprisingly delicious!  I first saw this in one of my Mediterranean cookbooks, and it has become a family favorite.  

I also added a few wine cups from France.  We use them for juice in the morning.

I also added raffia scatter hearts in red, white, and blue, and an Old Glory crock filled with hydrangeas from The Fresh Market.  I know the hydrangeas are a bit tacky, but I couldn't help myself!  ;P

The mugs are American-made stoneware from Longaberger.

The toast rack, cream jug, and milk jug are by Keith Brymer for Mia.

I also put together a small tribute in the dining room:

I featured a couple of MacKenzie-Childs Royal Check pieces on our dining room table.

Tomorrow, my DAR Chapter will cohost a Flag Day ceremony at our local library.  The flag that flies in front of the library is looking pretty sad, so our chapter is partnering with the local chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution to provide a new flag.  I hope the weather holds out because we're expecting rain.  

Our American flag was adopted on June 14, 1777, by resolution of the Second Continental Congress. In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation that officially established June 14 as Flag Day; on August 3, 1949, National Flag Day was established by an Act of Congress. Flag Day is not an official federal holiday.

Did you know that there is a proper way to display the flag of the United States?  Written and approved by Congress, the U.S. Flag Code is codified in law, appearing in Title 4 and Title 36 of U.S. Code.  If unsure about how to display a flag, it's always a good idea to look-up the proper way to do it.  

American Lovelies: How will you and your family celebrate Flag Day tomorrow?

Please click on the links below to visit the other participating stylists' blogs.

Home is Where the Boat Is - Hydrangeas and Butterflies
Life and Linda - A Boho Alfresco Tablescape
Corner of Plaid and Paisley - Summer Plaid and Polka Dot Picnic
Living With Thanksgiving - Summer Blessings
The Painted Apron - Boats, Floats and Fish!
Pandora's Box - Summer Blues
From My Carolina Home - Welcome Summer Tablescapes
The Bookish Dilettante - Summer Tablescape:  Old Glory
My Thrift Store Addiction - Summer Picnic Brunch under the Texas Mountain Laurel
Red Cottage Chronicles - Lemon Tablescape for Summer
Hyacinths for the Soul - Long May She Wave
Dinner at Eight - A Summer of Colors

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Such a fun and festive, casual table for Flag Day!

  2. I love the beautiful red white and blue colors and this lovely tribute! The quilted topper is pretty on your table. I need to put something patriotic on my front door today! Enjoy your day my friend!

  3. Ricki Jill, Thank you for your table honoring Old Glory...It is perfect with the quilted placemats. Love the rose napkin ring and the significance of it. Our family is a Navy family going way back and so we honor Flag Day every day. Old Glory flies in front of our home daily. Of course it is spotlighted at night and properly disposed of when starting to look a bit worn. I often think of that when Francis Scott Key wrote the The Star Spangled Banner at Fort McHenry looking at the 15 stripes and 15 stars through 'the rocket's red glare and the bombs bursting in air'. We live in a free country thanks to the many people who have fought and died for our freedom and we should HONOR our flag and not tarnish our forefathers memories by being disrespectful not only of our flag, but our country. OK, off my soapbox! 😍 Happy Summer to you and yours.

  4. Ricki Jill, I love that you are honoring and celebrating Flag Day with your lovely patriotic breakfast table setting. I remember those days of primitive and country decor with salt glazed pottery, quilts, baskets, and folk art. I indulged in that style, but only kept the quilts. I so wish I had kept the Rowe pottery. I slightly digressed, but your comments brought back memories. I think table settings are a wonderful place to share memories with family and friends. The flag always flies at our home and we are thankful for all those who died and have sacrificed for our freedoms. Long may our flag wave! It is always a pleasure to hop with you! Happy Summer and Flag Day, hopefully no rain for your event.

  5. I love your patriotic theme - I keep my bar cart set in red, white and blue all summer! Your royal check vases are gorgeous! Happy Flag Day - our flag will be flying high!

  6. Ricki Jill, My heart beats red, white and blue so I love your Old Glory table and Flag Day tribute! I adore the quilted linens and crock centerpiece. I was admiring the hydrangeas, I actually love the white with the splattered red ones and don’t think they’re tacky 😊 As always, it’s a treat to join you at the table and hop with you, Happy Flag Day and Summer. ♥

  7. RJ, our minds were thinking in the same direction. I so enjoyed your post and tribute to Old Glory. The Old Glory crock is a fab piece. I'm a patriotic loving girl. Our home reflects that in the summer months which are filled with patriotic holidays from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Red, white, and blue, flags, uncle Sam folk art figures, and other touches are out and about around here. It could be a convention of Uncle Sams and Lady Liberties! Love seeing your Nashville primitive textiles. You are wise to hold on to them! They offer a special touch to your table.
    I know the flag ceremony tomorrow will be special. How nice to provide a new flag for the library. I have Monnie's memorial flag folded as they gave it to me, and have it on a stand in my sitting room where I spend a lot of time. It was a moving ceremony that I'll always cherish.
    Thanks for sharing this patriotic setting. Happy Summer!

  8. This is a beautiful tribute to our nation's Flag Day tomorrow, Ricki Jill. It carries through all summer if you want it to. Like you, primitive is not really my style, and if I'm honest, neither is red [mostly], white and blue, but I love seeing a well-done patriotic display like yours. I was today years old when I learned the rose is our national flower! I love how you multi-purpose your cafe au lait bowls and wine glasses for the breakfast meal, and I don't think the hydrangeas are the least bit tacky. That's the perfect amount of red to the white and blue. The recipe reads very interesting! I hope the weather tomorrow holds out for the DAR ceremony. Oh, and the Royal Check in the dining room is beautiful! Happy summer, and thank you for participating in this hop. I love your theme.

  9. Ricki Jill, this is a beautiful table to celebrate your National Flag day tomorrow! I love hydrangeas and I don't think they are tacky at all. It's so sweet that you kept your linens all these years and they look great on your table. The double napkins with the red rose napkin rings are so pretty and so are your raffia star scatter. I hope the weather holds for your celebration tomorrow and wishing you a wonderful summer!

  10. Ricki Jill, such a lovely table to celebrate Flag Day. Your patriotic nod is so special. The old Glory crock is a wonderful addition filled with red,white & blue blooms. Hydrangeas are a favorite. Love the red rose napkin ring with your double napkins.. So glad you kept your primitive and country linens. They look fabulous. Wishing you a happy summer.

  11. Ricky Jill, I love your Americana table and the respect for our flag. Didn't know you belonged to the DAR. My ancestors were colonist who came in 1623. Born in a burned out county, we lost a lot of records, but proudly served in every war.
    Enjoy the Flag celebration.

  12. I also love your respect for our flag. My husband is quite strict about our flag not flying after sunset and I get in trouble when I forget to bring it in when he is not here.
    Your Flag Day salute is so needed these days. Thanks for the history and how nice your DAR is replacing the library flag. I hope the weather is good for you.
    I love your more formal display in your dining room as well as your tribute on your breakfast table.

  13. This is wonderful Ricki Jill! Your centerpiece is a show stopper, I don't think the hydrangeas are tacky at all I think they are fabulous fun! I love your Old Glory crock, so festive! The vintage quilt pieces are lovely and so is your eclectic collection of mugs and cups on the table. Not sure about the raspberry vermicelli for breakfast but it does sound healthy! I enjoyed reading all the facts and info you shared about the flag and this holiday. It certainly has been an interesting day with rain one minute and sunshine the next~Happy Flag Day and onto the 4th of July!

  14. What a lovely tablescape. it is so perfect for Flag Day.

  15. Thank You for sharing this gorgeous tablescape.
    Happy Flag Day

  16. Ricki Jill, your patriotic table has me humming You’re a Grand Olde Flag!! I am so glad you kept the primitive linens all these years because they make a great backdrop for your flag theme. I love the old crock as well. I am proud to say I have my flag flying. I have a son who is a history and government teacher- so we are reminded of all sorts of little known facts about the flag- if he were on Jeopardy he would run that category!! So I enjoyed your flag history!! I hope you have a nice summer!🇺🇸❤️

  17. I enjoyed your colorfully patterned flag day tablescape and appreciated the skill behind the hand-sewn placemats. What a pretty way to celebrate flag day -- and Fourth of July too! I had no idea we had a national flower, but I would have thought something native to the US would have been chosen.

  18. Ricki Jill! Your table has so much homespun charm, I just love it! Like you, I don't want lots and lots of primitive decor but an accent here and there still pulls at my heartstrings. I'm so glad you held onto those placemats because they are precious! Your table makes me smile - I just love it! And I didn't realize that the rose was our national flower - what a fun fact! I love roses so now I feel even better about planting so many of them!! LOL - Your table is a wonderful kick-off to the season! Thank you for allowing me a seat at your table! It's a delight. Happy Summer! ❤️ Jennifer @ Celebrating Everyday Life ❤️

  19. My good friend's birthday is on Flag Day. I know she'd love to sit down and celebrate at your beautiful table!!

  20. I’m loving your table, Ricki Jill and the hydrangeas as the centerpiece are fun and not tacky! I look back at old pictures and see that I used a lot of primitive pieces in my decor way back in the day. I’m glad you kept those placemats. The rose napkin rings are just beautiful! I need to find out about the vermicelli and raspberries!

  21. Ricki Jill, I love the nostalgic, old-time patriotic look of your charming table using those quilted placemats as the foundation. The layered set of napkins goes with them perfectly. The overall style has me "hearing" John Phillip Sousa music in my head lol!

  22. Ricki Jill, Your table captured my homespun heart. I love the primitive look although I never could decorate an entire home with it. It is so cozy and inviting and in the red, white and blue it is even more meaningful. I am so glad you mention the appreciation for our country and flag. Built on so much history, your table expresses the need to feel blessed. I love the mixture of patterns and colors. It adds to the historical feel of your table. Happy Summer.

  23. Ricki, what a great idea for a June tablescape. Flag Day is a great opportunity use patriotic colors on a table. I hope you have a lovely time celebrating this holiday. Your stars are a wonderful addition to a patriotic tablescape.

  24. I love love your table scape. I really like your placemats those are really cute. Hydrangeas are my faves so those are gorgeous too. Happy New Week. Hugs. Kris

  25. Ricki Jill, what a lovely table honouring your countries' flag! I especially love the vintage linens! The really evoke a sense of pride and heritage. Genius idea to layer the napkins! They really make an impact.

  26. Even though red, white and blue is one of my least fave color combos, somehow you made those colors look absolutely wonderful together!


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Hello, Lovelies!

I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.
