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Flowers of Ann Arbor

Monday, September 6, 2021


Happy Labor Day, My Lovelies!  What are your plans?  Are you grilling, or at the beach?  We're just relaxing today because we've had a very busy weekend.

Today I'm sharing a few of my favorite flower photos from our Mid-August trip to Ann Arbor, Michigan.  We went there to visit our older daughter and my sweet son-in-law.  Some of the flowers are from their garden, and there was a large sunflower field within walking distance of their home.  The northern hibiscuses were amazing: Some, like the one above, are as large as dinner plates.  Plus, their petunias up there look beautiful, long after ours have withered down South.

I hope these photos bring you a little joy today!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. We still have SO many wildflowers blooming here now! We're just catching up around the house today. We hiked twice over the weekend! Happy Monday!

  2. Ahhhhh beautiful. Happy Labor Day. Hope you are enjoying the long weekend.

  3. I love hibiscus, I didn't realize they would grow that far north, beautiful!

  4. Oh my, I can't believe their temps are still conducive to having pansies thrive! I've grown all of those flowers in my landscape that you've pictured. This was like a visit down memory lane, thank you!

  5. These are really lovely. I want to suck in all the floral beauty I can get, knowing that when winter comes, it will be back to grocery store blooms! Next time you visit, try Matthei Botanical Gardens (indoors and out) -- they're lovely.

  6. So pretty - there is nothing like a sunflower against a bright blue sky! Great shot


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