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Vanilla Strawberry Hydrangeas and a Casual Breakfast

Wednesday, July 14, 2021


Vanilla strawberry hydrangeas

 Happy Wednesday, Friends!  You notice I didn't say vanilla strawberry FOR breakfast in the title, LOL!

I've been taking notes of all the pretty shrubs and other plants we'd like for our front garden, and I really love the vanilla strawberry hydrangeas.  These are from the entrance to our neighborhood, and they are so pretty, especially with all the rain we've had!

When I'm not at the lake or doing chores, I'm spending time at the pretty nurseries in our area.  I need to focus on landscape plants, but I've been distracted by houseplants.  I really liked the plant I found, below:

It's called Tahitian bridal veil

I don't know if you can see, but this plant has tiny little white flowers on it.  I think its so sweet!  There aren't many blooms yet, but there are tons of buds.  I can't wait to see what it looks like in a few days!

MacKenzie-Childs was having a flash sale a few weeks ago, and I bought some placemats.  I set the table for breakfast and included a few fun M-C pieces.

This place is set for eggs and soldiers.
Two of the places are set for muesli.  

We're enjoying the new placemats.

On the menu:

Eggs and soldiers

Also, I want to invite you over to the other blog starting in August as we begin a guided journal:

Click HERE for more information.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. OOOH, I adore this whole table setting! BUT, what are eggs and soldiers?

    1. They are soft boiled eggs and the "soldiers" are toast cut into narrow strips that are then dunked into the eggs. :D

  2. As I've told you before, your house looks like a MacKenzie-Childs store! The place mats look great and you will enjoy using them in so many different ways! The strawberry vanilla hydrangeas are beautiful...

  3. I love the strawberry vanilla hydrangeas. Those are sooooo pretty. I don't think I have ever seen that variety by us. Have a great day. xoxo

  4. Beautiful hydrangeas! Beautiful home!

  5. Those placemats are the perfect complement to your colorful collection! My book arrived!

  6. Your house is so bright and cheery! Love your Mackenzie-Childs collection, and you will get a lot of use out of those new placements. I have them in five different patterns. The hydrangeas are beautiful!

  7. I’m loving those strawberry vanilla hydrangeas, and I’m a big fan of houseplants. I’ve cared for them since I first got married. One of my favorites is grape ivy.
    Your breakfast table is so pretty and a lovely menu, too. Have a wonderful week, Ricki Jill! ❤️


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I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.
