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Christmas Decor Part Two

Wednesday, November 25, 2020


Happy Wednesday, My Lovelies!  It's only one month until Christmas Day!

I am very excited about the holidays this year.  I have been decorating and Christmas crafting a lot lately!  Today I'm sharing more Christmas decor.  You can see my preview HERE.  I a couple of weeks, I will share the fresh greenery once we've decked the halls!

Hot cocoa toppers on the hot cocoa bar in the dining room

We have a skinny tree in our family room, and a smaller, fatter tree upstairs in the library.  We also have numerous tabletop trees.  Our advent wreath will have a candle this Sunday!

Have you decorated for Christmas yet?  How do you like to decorate?  

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Ahhhhh so pretty. Love your sweet tree. Fun to see all your pretty for Christmas. Can't believe tomorrow is Thanksgiving already. Have a great day tomorrow and your home looks so cozy and pretty for Christmas. xoxo

  2. LOVELY... Deck the Halls .. I will be decorating Friday - Sunday.

  3. It is absolutely charming in every single way, RJ! It looks terrific. I decorate with things I've had forever -- and loads and loads of trees!

  4. So many pretty decorations throughout your home. I love your mugs with the little ornaments, so pretty. And, darling ginger man. We do have our tree up and hope to finish up next week. Happy Thanksgiving.........

  5. L♥VE!!! Yes, I am decorated, and have been enjoying lights for over a week now. You have so many pretties! I especially love your garland with poms, and that matchholder! Big decorations on a little tree, your mug tree, your bed....the list goes on. Great eye candy!

  6. So festive and fun! Everything looks lovely and your tree is gorgeous! Enjoy the season!

  7. Your home looks so festive and lovely! I love all those pillows on the bed. How fun!!


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Hello, Lovelies!

I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.
