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MacKenzie-Childs Barn Sale 2020

Tuesday, August 18, 2020


Happy Tuesday, My Lovelies!  

Today I'm sharing my MacKenzie-Childs Barn Sale purchases.  This year's sale was different: It was online, so everyone in the USA could join the sale rather than traveling to Aurora, New York.

I have ordered from MacKenzie-Childs five times this spring and summer.  One of the times was an earlier sale, and I had a gift code I wanted to use, too.  The other four orders were from the Barn Sale.  The reason there are four orders rather than one is because I purchased items as they were added to the sale.  There were particular items I had planned to order for Christmas presents.

Four of the five orders orders were a disappointment.

The earlier order contained graduation presents and a birthday present for me.  The graduation presents arrived, but the Taylor mug ordered for my birthday has never arrived.  My birthday was in early May!

Three out of the four orders from the Barn Sale were screwed-up, too:

Two of the four orders were lacking items:  one was missing a teapot, and one was missing a mug and a mini loaf pan.

One order that was complete had a piece that was broken to bits because it had not been wrapped properly:

These are the pieces of what used to be a Taylor Deviled Egg Plate in the Myrtle pattern.

As you can see, the plate was wrapped in plastic wrap, not bubble wrap.  It might look like bubble wrap on the left, but that is an impression from the other items in the order that were wrapped extremely well in bubble wrap.  The person who packed my order placed the very heavy cheese course on top of it.  The fluted sides of the deviled egg plate could not take the weight of the the cheese course server that was placed directly on top of it!

The cheese course server is above, and it is very thick and heavy.
The Taylor mug in the Poplar Ridge pattern on the far right was a gift I received earlier in the year.

I also ordered the small sugar bow and lid.  I already had the plate and the creamer.

The Piccadilly saucer was also a purchase from the sale.


I also ordered the Hitchcock Field mug.  This pattern is really growing on me!

I ordered the loaf pan because Patti @ Pandora's Box always bakes the most delicious breads, and I wanted a Piccadilly loaf pan for her recipes.  

The five pieces that made it are very pretty, and I am happy with how they were painted.  They were all wrapped very well except for the deviled egg plate.

I have written MacKenzie-Childs' Customer Service three times, and no one has responded.  Yet I've received several emails from Customer Service saying: We Want to Hear From You!

No you don't.  You have ignored my emails, and the company cannot use COVID as an excuse, either.  If they were ill prepared to host an online Barn Sale, then they should've waited until later and held it then.

By the way, customers can no longer call the company.  They are not taking calls from customers.

I will never order anything else from the company.  I might purchase Taylor and other handmade pieces made in Aurora from a local shop.

I'm also not crazy about the direction the company is going in because more of their products are being made overseas, and I'd rather purchase products made here in America.

We have collected MacKenzie-Childs since we were married in 1988.  We use it everyday, and we love it.  I am very disappointed with the company's treatment.  The company's social media accounts have been bombarded with unhappy customers, so I'm clearly not the only one who has received poor service.

Tonight I am calling my credit card company and stopping payment on everything.  Maybe that will get their attention!

How would you handle this situation if you were me?

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Oh wow! I hope you are able to get it sorted quickly. I had problems with an Amazon order and am seriously thinking of not ordering from them again.

  2. Ricki, I am so sorry you suffered breakage. It is not acceptable. It is strange because they usually pack everything very well. I hope you get somewhere. I love the load pan, I wished I had ordered one. Blessings

  3. It is so disappointing when a company that we love, goes down hill. I am with you, I am trying my hardest to purchase Made in America.

  4. Hi Ricki Jill,
    I am so sorry this happened with your orders. I agree with you dispute the payment and that will get someone's attention. Then maybe you can get some resolution. Covid is not excuse and I am getting tired of everyone blaming everything on Covid. Sounds like their customer service is not good. Hugs. Kris

  5. Your sugar bowl and creamer is adorable! You will love the bread baker!! I also ordered a cheese course (Courtly check) and I am hoping it arrives in one piece and is painted well. The complaints have been endless and today I received 4 emails stating that they are overloaded and will ship soon and I am only waiting on 2 items!! The company is not running too smoothly as of late. I hope this gets resolved for you!

  6. I try to buy made in Australia not that easy, broken items are always annoying to some degree

  7. I think you better report it. To me, these problematic orders suggest they are going out of business. A sad situation all around. xoxo Su

  8. I think the credit card dispute is the best method on this. You've been a loyal customer and I think turning your allegiance to local sources is a good solution to still enjoy the brand.

  9. I am so sorry to hear this. I am sorry you have been disappointed. Maybe this will get their attention.

  10. Oh, RJ, I'm so sorry. I hope you can get things resolved. The loaf pan is great. The fact that customer service hasn't replied -- even with a form letter, no acknowledgment at all, much less the personal service this requires -- is a bad sign. This is so too bad. It's hard to seem companies we like slip downhill.

  11. I just cringe when I think of you unpacking the broken egg plate. I was lucky my platter didn't break. I'm still waiting on an order but received an email it has been shipped. You did stock up on some pretty pieces. I'm still waiting on the Taylor I ordered when that sale was on. I hope they contact you soon with a solution........

  12. This is so awful, I have never heard of a company turning off customer calls! You're right, they obviously weren't ready to handle the volume of sales for shipping, and should have considered that. What a disaster! But it's curious that the earlier purchases were messed up too...did you ever receive everything you ordered? Even though I wanted to buy during the sale, I never could pull the trigger as nothing I really wanted was available. I will be interested in hearing the next "chapter" of your story!

  13. I am so sorry. I have had issues with the website not working, the customer service was VERY UNKIND and downright rude when I contacted them. The packaging was awful...too large of a box for an item...crazy. I ordered one thing and got something totally different - had to send back!!! I also get the request for feedback but they only ask what I liked and not what they could help with. Very sad....I love the handmade products made in NY and enamelware ...not so much the other as it is very cheap looking. Sad....really sad. It WAS a good company...not now. And I don't usually write these...but so sad that I felt I needed to let others know. Can see now that others already know! Sorry...Mona


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I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.
