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Tales of the Traveling Tote: Fun in the Sun

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Happy Wednesday, My Lovelies!  Can you believe that it's already July 31st?  I can't!  I want my summer back!

This edition of the Tales of the Traveling Tote is all about Fun in the Sun, and for me, that means fun on Lake Martin, Alabama.  La Countess de Monet has come in handy with all the back and forth from the lake to Birmingham.  I can't believe I forgot to take a photo of her, but she's not allowed on the boat because she can't swim!

 The Westies are proud Americans as they fly the Stars and Stripes over the Independence Day Holiday at our lake cabin.

We spend most weekends at Lake Martin during the summer, but this summer has been met with a few challenges, i.e. a lightning strike that blew up most of our electronics.  I'm happy to report that everything has been fixed, updated, and replaced with the exception of one TV which will be replaced next weekend.

Y'all I must confess that I lead the most BORING life in America.  But I do try to have fun everyday, and we've had our share of fun experiences so far this summer.  One thing we enjoy doing on Lake Martin is visiting Goat Island.  The goats are almost as entertaining as the children who visit and feed the goats.  Apparently the goats love Corn Flakes.  Who knew?

I carefully chose photos without children in them.

 The Ducks of Goat Island
I will probably paint one of these photos soon.

A couple of weeks before Independence Day, our friend David called and said: "I need y'all and your boat on July 6th.  I'm going to marry Suzette in the middle of the lake at sunset."


Y'all....that was THE MOST FUN wedding I've probably ever attended.  David has three children and four grandchildren, and Suzette has several children and grands: She adopted several orphans from the Ukraine.  They are both big-hearted, so their marriage will be successful.  Such a happy day!

I'm still trying the get the hang of my new camera, and I've been practicing around the lake and at home in Birmingham.

The Westies were getting upset because they wanted me to pay them some attention rather than the bees in our roses and on our chaste tree.

I've also spent some time working on our garden this summer until it got too hot a couple of weeks ago.  My plan is to spruce up our containers later this week.

Our gardenias are thriving this year for some unknown reason!  ;P

If you're still awake at this point, I commend you and the caffeine you drink!  I'd like to invite you to visit the other ladies sharing their much more interesting lives.  Click on the links below, and I hope you are having Fun in the Sun wherever you are!  Please share your summertime adventures in the comments section below!  

PS:  Patti is hosting a little giveaway. She's first on the list!

Patti with Miss Kenzie @ Pandora's Box
Debbie with Miss Aurora @ Mountain Breaths 
Emily with Miss Courtney ChildsThe French Hutch
Jenna with Miss Coquille @The Painted Apron
Linda P with Miss Lola @ Life and Linda
Rita with Miss Luna C Panoply 
Sarah with Miss Merri Mac @ Hyacinths for the Soul
Jackie and Miss Madi K @ Purple Chocolat Home
Ricki Jill and Countess De Monet @ The Sketchy Reader
Cherry Kay and Carrie Ann Hall @ Entertaining Women  

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Oh RJ, your life is anything but boring. You are so cute buzzing around town in that adorable car! And, wow, how fun must that have been setting up for a wedding on your boat. Lake Martin is just beautiful and I'm sure it must be tons of fun for the Fourth of July. Wow, your hard work shows in your garden, lovely. I think all the rain has helped your gardenias. I enjoyed your photos, it takes awhile. I have been doing the same thing with my new camera. I put it away so I need to use it more before traveling. Happy Summer, hope to see you soon..........

  2. Oh, my! A wedding on the lake at sunset sounds perfect and romantic! What a fun summer event!!! I love the goats and ducks too, RJ. I think I'd like summer fun in the sun on Lake Martin! Happy August!

  3. The lake sounds heavenly and how exciting to host a wedding on your boat! I want to go to Goat Island (are there only goats there? or do people live there, too?) Looks like you have mastered your camera - the flowers look so real!! Thanks for sharing!

  4. what incredible photos you've taken!! your life sounds like a lot of fun.
    Oh,your pups look beautiful all groomed!
    What a lovely wedding.

    glad you have gotten rid of your gremlin:)

  5. Not such a boring life Ricki....The wedding looks lovely and so fun. Your new camera with your skills is presenting some beautiful photos. We missed seeing the countess. Enjoy the rest of your week.

  6. Your life is not boring, rather very full, especially at the lake, RJ! I was just reading a feature in Cottage Journal (Autumn!) of a home there on Lake Martin. I knew the location rang familiar, but wasn't sure which blogging friend it was. The goats are adorable, and I must say your photos are very good!

  7. Happy August RJ, your lake trip looks like perfection to me! I love all your photos, and glad you are enjoying your new camera! Miss Aurora says hello to La Countess de Monet.

  8. Hi Ricki Jill, It sounds like the perfect summer to me, except for the lightning strike, being able to enjoy lake life and running on a slower gear with your sweet Westies, and my oh my those goats are adorable! How much fun to go to a wedding on a boat in the middle of the lake! You had a pretty stressful and event filled spring, I'm so glad you are getting to relax for a change! Your paintings are fabulous, you should share them with us more often!

  9. Your life does not sound boring at all. I love to garden and time on the water is always fun.

    I love that your friends got married on your boat.

  10. Your life at Lake Martin sounds absolutely wonderful! Reading all the books you do and reviewing them as well as gardening and painting is not boring.
    I loved hearing about the wedding and the great pics. Sounds like a great couple.
    Your flowers look so pretty. It has been so hot that working in the garden doesn't last long for me.
    I am so sorry about the lighting strike. It is so much work replacing so many things. Glad you are almost done.
    Wishing you a restful and fun week.

  11. RJ what a beautiful wedding boat! I love how happy they look. So nice of you to donate it for their happiness. The flowers are looking great. We were gone the last two weeks and the weeds moved in with impressive force! Yikes. Enjoy the rest of your summer!!!


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