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The Treleavens Have Gremlins

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

We may have gremlins inside but outside our planters are thriving this summer.

Good morning, My Lovelies!  I hope y'all having a fantastic summer full of baseball, grilling, travel, and fun.


Our summer has been interesting so far.  About a month ago, lightning struck our air conditioner in Birmingham.  Then about three weeks ago, lightning struck our lake cabin and took out all of our TV's, stereo, half our wall outlets, coffee pot, cable box, router, all surround sound speakers, wire under the house that led to the cable box, and a modem.  What a mess!  First world problems, I know, but we had to spend the first half of our Independence Day vacation fixing all the shiz.  

We weren't there when it happened (we were at the beach) but what is scary about the situation is we could see where flames shot out of the speakers and melted the felt and wiring.  We can't believe that the house didn't catch on fire.  We truly are none of the major appliances were affected.

But before we left for the Independence Day vacation, our freezer stopped working, and our fridge is running a little too hot.  We're having to eat mostly out these days, but the repairman will be here Thursday to fix it.  We had to order 16 parts.  Sixteen!  

I miss ice.  Yes, I know....another first world problem.  But then again....we do live in Central Alabama.  It's freaking HOT!


I finally settled on a camera: the Sony a6000 with a couple of lenses that I really like.  I want to thank all of you who gave me fantastic advice during this process.  It has been quite the learning curve, but I am enjoying it.

My New Blog and Instagram

I also want to invite you to follow my art blog and my Instagram feed for my art.  Here is the link for my blog, and you can follow me on Instagram @rickijilltreleaven.

Instagram @rickijilltreleaven

I feel badly asking y'all to follow me on different accounts, but my professional artist friends have all told me that I should ONLY feature my art on my blog, and that I should ONLY feature my art on my Instagram feed.  I don't know if I can maintain so many accounts.  I probably won't post as often on this blog, but I will still post over here a little, especially when I want to share a good book, recipe, or home decor.  

I've joined the Daily Painting movement in a big way.  Y'all, I am LOVING IT!  Basically, Daily Painters paint small paintings everyday (or in my case one per weekday).  I have joined the Dialy Paintworks website, and I have rebranded my Etsy store for my paintings.

If you know of anyone in the market for small paintings, send them my way!

The new name of my Etsy shop


Have you tried the Steller app yet?  I am loving it!  I've enjoyed looking at others' stories.  It has been a great tool for me to make Instragram stories.  It is very user friendly.  You can check out some of my stories by clicking on the Steller S below!

I appreciate y'all more than you'll ever know.  Thank-you for reading my blog!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Wow...that is scary to hear and you are so lucky there wasn't a fire...Count your blessings! Will pop over to your new blog!!

  2. I'm so happy it wasn't worse, it could have been a disaster! I haven't looked into Steeler but should like something I will want to do. Maybe you could give me a quick lesson :) I bet you are enjoying the new camera now. I can't believe how fast summer it moving.

  3. Happy to read you still on the blog, as I am still not on IG . Happy art, happy heart!
    Ugh to the gremlins. We once had lightning strike and blow out several electronics, including TV, stereo and security system. The real problem is being able to find all the issues in order to correct! We ended up having a whole house power surge protector installed.

  4. Hi, RJ. Probably if you are selling, the art blog makes sense but it is a pain. Happy to join in and follow you!

    I'm very grateful that your home didn't catch on fire -- that could have been such a tragedy as opposed to a super colossal mess but still... And the new camera sounds like great fun! Good to hear from you!

  5. So sorry about your gremlins! Wow, you have had a run of terrible luck! I swear when something breaks at one house, next thing I know it breaks at the other! Knock on wood everything is working right now!! Has your daughter been impacted by Barry? Have fun with your camera and new blog!

  6. oh those gremlins!Glad the damage wasn't more extensive.
    I will go right now and follow your new account:)


Comments are friendly!

Hello, Lovelies!

I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.
