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Spring Field Trip to My Favorite Nursery

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Happy Thursday, My Lovelies!  Recently I visited my favorite nursery in Birmingham: Leaf 'n Petal in Cahaba Heights.  They recently moved into a new location just a block or so from their old store, and I am so enamored!  The store is beautiful, and so is the greenhouse.  The Crestline Bagel Company is on the premises, so hungry shoppers can get a snack and eat it outside in the sunshine!

The displays are stunning, and there are beautiful vintage birdcages throughout the store.  
This orchid display is in the front of the store.

There's a small corner for books, and most of them are about gardening.  I went in the store to purchase a fern, but I got distracted.  Do you think I bought a book, too?

Aren't these doors stunning!  The fixtures in the store are so pretty!

One of the wonderful Southern gardening books (but not the one I bought)

I also got some great ideas for our containers outside and in the greenhouse.  I can't wait to plant next week!

An Easter basket full of hydrangeas at our church.  The Leaf 'n Petal is up the street, and I wonder if these were purchased there.

Are you planning your spring plantings?  Will you plant lots of container gardens this spring?

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Oh my! I love stores like that!

  2. I am not even sure we can plan on spring up here! ;)

  3. On my agenda for tomorrow! I saw your previous post about this, but did not realize they must have moved a few days after we had been there. I have a serious case of Spring Fever!

  4. Thanks RJ, I have to plan to go there soon. I see lovely plants and gift ideas. I will love this new location! Have a great weekend...........

  5. What a gorgeous store!! I wish our nursery looked like this one. Enjoy your weekend, Ricki Jill!!

  6. So pretty! I don't know if spring will ever arrive, but I look forward to loads of herbs again. My sweet peas and black-eyed susans are perennials so that job is done! I'll add a few begonias or impatiens around the edge of the hosta garden and maybe some big pots of geraniums. We'll see!

  7. oh wow, I didn't know they've moved! It looks amazing!! I haven't tried Crestline Bagel yet either, must go to both when I come home~I am so excited Cahaba Heights is expanding in a tasteful way!

  8. Pretty! Looking forward to spring here, but I'm currently eating crow for calling spring in my region with late February balmy weather. We're forecast for snow tomorrow - ugh! Have a great weekend.

  9. Those doors are gorgeous! I'm getting ready to paint a new door blue and want to make it look old. Inspiration!

  10. Very pretty! I wish I could be planning Spring. I think Winte is never going to end. Sunday we are supposed to get 2-4 inches of snow. I am so ready to get into my flower beds and garden. I will be doing a container butterfly garden for my Mom in memory of my sister. I can't wait to see your containers.

  11. Wow, those doors are gorgeous. Love the hydrangeas. I think we are all ready for some pretty flowers and great weather.

  12. Beautiful!you take such lovely photos Ricki Jill!

  13. I would be in that store daily if it were here! I think Spring forgot about us this year.

  14. I love, love, love the doors.
    So what did you all buy? ;-)
    Next time take me with you!!


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