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A Recipe for Apple Maple Syrup *plus* A Giveaway

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Happy Tuesday, My Lovelies!  Are you enjoying gorgeous autumn weather where you are?  It's absolutely beautiful here in Central Alabama.

Are you enjoying the season's delicious apples?

We have several Honeycrisp apples, and when I saw Peggy Lampman's recipe for Quiche's Buttermilk Pancakes with Apple-Maple Syrup and Walnuts I just had to try them.  Peggy hosts a foodie blog called dinnerFeed, and you can see her original pancake and syrup recipe HERE.  You should follow her because her blog is super cool!

Sometimes you want a large breakfast.  Maybe you ate a salad the night before for dinner, skipped that "midnight snack," or simply know that you'll be burning tons of energy for the day.

Autumn brings a bounty of apples, and it's also the start of comfort food season.  Why not indulge in fluffy buttermilk pancakes and your favorite apples softly sautéed in butter?

What this recipe needs is a pinch or two of cinnamon...or maybe Penzey's spices cake spice; after all, they are panCAKES.  ;P

Now that I have your undivided attention, here's how I made the syrup.  Mine is slightly different because I used what I had on hand.  My recipe serves two.

Apple-Maple Syrup with Candied Pecans

2 T sweet butter
1 Honeycrisp apple, cored and cut into 1/4" slices
1/2 cup maple syrup (I used The Fresh Market's Maple Syrup)
1/8 t Penzey's cake spice
cinnamon to taste
Candied pecans

Melt butter in a castiron skillet over medium to medium-low heat.  Add the apple slices and sauté until tender, about 6 - 8 minutes.  Stir in maple syrup, spices, and pecans.  Remove from heat.

Now you're ready to make either waffles or pancakes.  Once they're made, add the syrup.

I made my  buttermilk pancakes in an iron skillet, too.  So yummy!  Now I'm ready to face my day!

Now on to the giveaway:

Complete the two tasks in the Rafflecopter widget for chances to win a copy of The Welcome Home Diner.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I'd like to thank the publisher (Lake Union, Seattle) and TLC Book Tours for sponsoring this giveaway.

Good luck!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. My favorite breakfast food is french toast! Thank you for being on the tour :)

  2. Wow! That looks beautiful, RJ. I love the way you photographed it. It is not easy to photograph food.
    I like the apples. Love apples. Almost everyone here has taken a turn at baking apple something the past few weeks, so I can try this now.

    Sorry, I have been so busy. Kind of like how you were a couple of years ago. xoxo Su

  3. These look delish..I had pancakes twice in past week but they didn't look this tasty

  4. That recipe looks delicious and so seasonal. Sarah x

  5. I love french toast!! Thanks for the giveaway..such a lovely cover!!

  6. I love eggwhite and sponach omelet. That is my breakfast comfort food.

  7. Oh my goodness! Those pancakes look amazing!! I have been enjoying all the delicious Fall apples at our local orchard. Why is it that they just taste so much better in the Fall?

  8. I love oatmeal with cinnamon and raisins or these Dr. Phil smoothies: apple peanut butter, or blueberry peanut butter. Nice blog post RJ. PS I’m working on Nancy’s Mysterious Letter.

  9. We love, love, love pancakes! Yummy!!
    I will be posting an apple breakfast recipe Wednesday. LOL
    Thank you for the recipe.

  10. So hard to chooooooooose! French toast! Bacon & cheese/egg. Breakfast burritos! I don't know....
    And how is it that I wasn't already following your FB page??? Fixed it now though.
    :) gwingal

  11. Yum. I just bought maple syrup on my family history visit to the farmlands of West Michigan and I think foofing it up with apples is in order. Sounds yum. So does the book!

  12. Oh goodness, that is one pretty pancake stack! Sounds divine!! Love the plates too :)

  13. I will definitely save the recipe and make this soon! wow!
    Thanks, Ricki Jill:)

  14. That looks so good and so does the book! I love oatmeal for breakfast. I cut tiny pieces of apple into the oatmeal and water and cook it together...SO good! Sprinkle with cinnamon and Truvia! heehee! Hugs!

  15. Cereal is my favorite breakfast meal.

  16. Those pancakes with the apples look so good and so perfect for a cold Fall morning. It's funny how we associate different foods with each season. I did not know how much I wanted to try those until the weather got cold here!

  17. Mmmm apple pie biscuits in a cast iron skillet!


Comments are friendly!

Hello, Lovelies!

I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.
