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What I'm Reading Wednesday: A Field Trip to Sundog Books, Seaside, Florida

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Happy Wednesday, My Lovelies!  At this time last week, we were headed down to Hwy 30-A to the most beautiful beaches in the world for Fall Break.  We were so blessed that the girls' fall breaks aligned.  YAY!  Plus, Shanley Belle turned 25 last Thursday.

If you don't believe me about my claim that 30-A's beaches are the *best*, check out this photo:

Crystal blue water, sugar white sand.....I miss you, Seaside, already!

Being the book nerds that we are, one of the highlights of visiting Seaside is shopping at one of our all-time favorite Indie bookstores, Sundog Books.  

Sundog Books is my Mother Ship.  The booksellers are alway so helpful, and their recommendations have never disappointed.  In addition to a couple of books, I also bought a Sundog Books coffee mug and baseball-style t-shirt.

This time I went in with a list of about twelve books, most of them from recent Indie Next Lists.  They didn't have any of them in stock!  Most of them had been in stock previously and sold.  I was so sad (at first) but the sweet booksellers helped me find two books to take home:

I probably won't have a chance to read these before Christmas, but I can take them on our family trip during the holidays!  

What's your favorite Indie bookstore?

Also, please visit my The Welcome Home Diner giveaway post, HERE.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. So glad you had a lovely time! Don't you love the way the water sparkles in October! I love an old fashioned bookstore, so glad there are still a few around.
    And that quote! So awesome, do you know the source or author of the quote, I would love to "borrow" it... I've pinned the books to my library board to check out soon

  2. I'm glad you had fun, made some sweet memories.
    Your girls look lovely and happy:)
    Sorry you didn't find your books, but you never know, you could have a treasure in one of those you got instead.
    We have a bookstore here in Tempe called Changing Hands.
    It has new and used books, plus a lot of fun gift items.

  3. That is so disappointing when you go in looking for a book and they are sold out...or, worse, never got it in.
    I hope you like both the books you got.

    I really love Seaside. It is a beautiful area and I would love to go back there someday.

    Have a wonderful Wednesday. xo Diana

  4. This looks like a great bookstore! The beach looks quite inviting, too.

    I have always enjoyed Square Books in Oxford, MS, but I haven't been in a while.

    You might enjoy a book I just finished: ASTONISH ME by Maggie Shipstead. She also wrote SEATING ARRANGEMENTS. Very, very good.

  5. What a beautiful beach...wish I was there! And I like a little downtown book store in Hendersonville, NC...always go when we are in NC! Hugs!

  6. There are so many great books and not enough time to read them all

  7. Sounds like a wonderful trip! I have never been to seaside but would love too. I think the reason that we never go there is because we live by the Ocean and take out trips inland.

    Just purchased these two books cannot wait to read them.

  8. Oh RJ, you know this is my favorite place in the world to vacation! Love the most spectacular beaches and this happens to be my favorite book store. I could spend hours there, actually I have! Lucky you could get the girls for the same week for a fall getaway. Hard to believe Shanley Belle turned 25!

  9. Looks like my kind of vacation destination -- water and books! I have an indie store called Schuler's -- three or four in Michigan. In fact, headed there in about an hour!

  10. Perfect! The beach, the bookshop ... oh my! Perfect.

  11. P.S. love the quote the store shared ... true.

  12. A Likely Story in Tywyn where I live! Thanks for calling by LindyLouMac's Book Reviews and commenting, much appreciated.


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