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Snail Mail

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Happy Tuesday, My Lovelies!  I'm so happy because I received some really neat snail mail! No one gets good snail mail anymore due to social media *sadface* so I subscribed to Janice MacLeod's Paris Letters from her Etsy shop.

Snail mail from Canada.  I even like the stamps!

This letter is a "back issue" about Macaron Day.  I read about it in her book A Paris Year, and I was interested in reading more about it.

July 2017's letter is about the new café at Shakespeare and Company.  Shakespeare and Company is a famous English bookstore in Paris.
Janice was very generous to send a freebie: one of the cards from her greeting card collection.  This one is an aerial view of the Paris Opera House.

Do you like fun snail mail?  Who doesn't?!?!  Do you send fun snail mail?  I have been exchanging snail mail with a couple of Dutch gals I "met" via Instagram, and it's been fun.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Oh how sweet and pretty. I love to get things like this in the mail. Sometimes it is the highlight of the day!!! So sweet.
    Have a great summer day.

  2. Ricki, I love sending and receiving snail mail... Who would have ever believed we would be calling mail that. LOL. I loved the letters you got from Janice. Enjoy your day, blessings, xoxo, Susie

  3. I love snail mail and your new blog name 😁

  4. Your blog looks amazing! So pretty and I love the new name which is just perfect for you.

    Yes, I love snail mail but I never get any. Too bad we don't all mail more often.

  5. So pretty! I love mail, too. I also like macarons. I don't have anyone who writes me letters anymore, sadly. Maybe it is because my own handwriting has gotten so illegible? My correspondents gave up trying to read them!

  6. Love the name and new look, I think I said that before :) Love snail mail and yes, I do send and receive. These are lovely and so sweet. I'm sure it brightened your day to open these.........

  7. Lovely letter to receive. I'm going to view on my iPad so I can read it. Can't read little print any more even with my glasses on! 😢

    My daughter is so sweet to send me handwritten thank you notes with one of her watercolors on the card. She would like this post. I will share it with her.

  8. I love snail mail! And I love JAnices books and mail.

  9. Hi, Was so so curious how you would like Paris Letters. Thank YOU for sharing with us. Looks like a great package. And stamps too. So happy it is not the computer print out sticker. I have to ask our post office to not do that when I send a letter. They put on the computer print out. I want stamps. ;-)


  10. How fun! I know you have been anxiously awaiting your first letter! the card is stunning! The stamps and postmarks are so wonderfully dreamy, like a fairy tale~


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I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.


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