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Fresh Cut Friday: Daffodils

Friday, March 7, 2014

It's the first Friday of the month, so it's time for Fresh Cut Friday @ Rose Vignettes.

This month's flower is the daffodil.  I can't tell you how happy I was to remove all remnants of Mardi Gras to decorate for St. Patrick's Day.  I reused most of my St. Patrick's Day decor from years past, but this year I did add live daffodils and recycled wine bottle glasses.

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The table is set for Guinness Beef Stew.

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Don't be afraid to mix greens.  They never clash.  Just look at nature, especially in your garden!

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I'm fairly certain that everything on the table has been discontinued with the exception of the small flower bowls.  I believe that they are still available at Pier 1.  You can also find similar wine glasses at West Elm, and they're currently on sale.  If you have any other questions about the table please email me or leave a comment.

Do you decorate for St. Patrick's Day?  I also decorated our dining room with some new things.  I'll share the dining room decor next week.

Until next time...

Irish Blessings!
Ricki Jill


  1. I love this! As much as I adore daffodils (and iris, tulips, etc), I have never seen shamrocks in bloom until now. I had no idea that's what they looked like- how very sweet!

  2. I love it! Your leafy bowls are pretty. The little, plain, colorful bowls are also available at Anthropologie and World Market, though not necessarily in those colors.

    I just do my chalkboard area, because it takes the place of a mantel. Christmas is the only time I go all out.

  3. What a pretty table! I sold the last of those little green flower bowls to a lady the other day. They were on a deep discount. I thought oh...I wish I had them...they look like little cabbages. But I'm not buying anything these days. In past years I've bought those little pots of daffodils and stuck them in the ground. They come up every year. I just love them. I noticed the other day that they were starting to sprout. With the super cold nasty weather we've had....they are way behind when they usually bloom. Love your table!

  4. I beautiful Irish Table you have set. I wish we could see some flowers, just snow for now. Soon though I think.

  5. Irish Blessings to you, too, Ricki Jill! Your table is gorgeous. You have grown my favorite there in the Shamrock plant! xo Diana

  6. Love all your shades of green! Shamrocks are such a sweet flower, I have one that has green leaves and one that is that they come back year after year!
    Have a great weekend!

  7. Two of my favorite things. Daffodils and St. Patty's! I am right next to you at Fresh Cut Friday party.

  8. At first I was disappointed that I forgot to bring my grandmother the shamrock I bought her, but it does seem kind of happy on my kitchen counter.

  9. That stew looks so yummy! I think that I am going to have to try that. My hubs isn't a big corned beef guy. So this sounds like a good alternative. Also, I was giggling a little because my dad used to make those wine bottle glasses. We used to tease him because the edges were never even. :) Yours look darling on your table. :)
    Thank you for joining in for FCF! :)
    I'm so glad you did!

  10. I love it! Very St. Patrick's Day looking. I totally agree, different shades and types of green look awesome together. I think the different greens of a garden are breath taking. There is such beauty in the garden, Nature has a simple beauty. I love your daffodil picture.

  11. I think I could manage to eat all the other colors of M&Ms so just green ones would be left. That's my kind of decorating....

  12. Daffodils are blooming around town, but I've not seen fresh cut ones for sale as yet. I've promised myself that I'm going to plant some daffodil bulbs again next year. I miss not having their happy faces in my own garden.
    I like your St. Pat's table. '-)

  13. What fun St. Patrick's Day decor.

    I don't decorate or set a St. Patty's Day table because we are always out on SPD. The ocean front house on our lane hosts a pot luck dinner with Irish dancers and fiddlers. Then when we get home, the bagpipes and dancers at the house behind us keep the festivities going.

  14. oh my gosh that is so beautiful and you are so correct, nature blends colors the best of all, its me laurie from I love a cloudy day, in December my eyes became much worse, I thought I was finished blogging but through magic and technology I am back , a new blog, almost the same name, it is disigned for the visually impaired, I'm so glad to be back, I missed you! I hope yu are well

  15. I love the mixed green colors here Ricki, and those Shamrocks are so much fun. I saw them the other day and almost picked them up. Daffodils are such a happy flower aren't they? ;)

  16. RJ,
    I decorate for nearly every holiday...not in a huge way but there's always something that ties to the holiday for me. It's fun. I wanted a few of those M&Ms! :-)

  17. Oh my god this place setting looks AMAZING! I don't decorate for St. Patrick's, but you make me want to start!

  18. I agree about greens never's just impossible. Love your shamrock. I bought one too and so far it's doing great. I was worried!

  19. Your table is delightful, Ricki Jill! I do not do any decorating for St. Patrick's Day. I don't know why, but I've just never been inspired to do that. I do love daffodils and Shamrocks, but Miss Abby likes to chomp on Shamrocks, so I cannot have those around. In my own "St. Patty's Day deprived way defense," I do have a corned beef brisket in the freezer for a traditional meal!

  20. Your table is just beautiful...all the great elements of spring...cabbage bowls, daffodils and shamrocks! I'll have to get my table set for St. Paddy's this year...yours is perfect!
    Miss Bloomers

  21. Hi Ricki Jill, you're so right about greens not clashing. My beloved late husband and I visited Ireland and it was like a patchwork of green. Your table is so pretty and I love your shamrock plant, along with your daffodils.

  22. What a fun and festive table for St. Paddy's Day! Your flowers are so dainty and delightful! Thanks for sharing this sweet setting with us!


  23. I planted about 60 daffodil bulbs last fall, when all the snow FINALLY MELTS maybe I'll see how they grew !


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