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My Happy List: Trying Very Hard to Find the Happy!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Good afternoon, My Lovelies!  I know this isn't Friday Confessional, but I must confess that I miss My Happy List.  Although I'm not bringing back the link party, I will probably post a Happy List most Tuesdays because it's good for my heart, soul, and spirit.

My Happy List

1.   It makes me so happy to see Shelley with a smile on her face.  The blue ribbon is for a cross rail class, not a flat class.  Congratulations, Shelley!

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2.  Sunshine!  We had sunshine over the weekend.  Sunshine always makes me happy!

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We've had a craptastic winter, so it's such a blessings to see bright sunshine!

3.   I've been cooking a wee bit more lately.  This is a delicious winter salad recipe from Jane's Adventures in Dinner.  You may see the recipe here.

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Maple, bacon, and fennel salad

4.   I painted in my home art studio for the first time since Bonnie left us.  It was difficult because she was always in there with me.  I am excited about this book because it's inspiring me:

I'm painting something from the green section!

5.   Although no dog could ever replace Bonnie Blue, I do have room in my heart for another Westie baby.  Mustang Sally had a litter of puppies, and seeing their sweet faces makes me so happy!

Mustang Sally with three of her pups.

What's on your Happy List today?

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Happy to see you sharing your Happy List :) The pups are soooo sweet... and I love your Mardi Gras decorations!

  2. That books looks lovely! I love all those green pictures/photos! Can't wait to see what you are working on

  3. Oh my goodness! That last photo of the puppy is precious.

    I was happy when my sister told me she found me 2 issues of the Daphne magazine and that she was signing me up for a subscription. She won't be back in the US until March 22, but I will see her then.

  4. Happy lists are always a good thing! :)
    Are you getting one of Mustang Sally's puppies? They are so darn cute at that age. And congrats to Shelley!

  5. Such sweet puppies! The book looks interesting!

  6. Oh Ricki Jill! That puppy is waving at you!

  7. I always love your happy list! It's a good way to count our blessings. I'm happy I got a new stack of books at the library this afternoon and walked at the park for 45 minutes! It's a beautiful day here! Hugs!

  8. Great happy list, Ricki Jill! How can I resist, those puppies are adorable!!!
    Love the lace covers on the books, too!

  9. Dear Ricky Jill, your happy list is fabulous! I love all the things you've listed... and of course, the best one is the little puppy! Yeeee, so happy for you!
    I hug you tight,

  10. Ricki Jill, it makes me happy to read your happy list. '-)
    Seeing those precious Westie pups makes me happy, too!

  11. Oh my gosh, those puppies are precious! I want them all. =) I agree, this winter has been craptastic! We deserve a lovely and early spring.

  12. Yay! I need to write up a happy list. Being sick almost all last week put me in need of a little cheer up. Sunshine makes me happy too. We had some great weather and I made sure to pop my head out as much as possible to enjoy the sun and fresh air.
    Those puppies are SO SO precious!!

  13. Thanks for reminding us to think about what makes us happy. A little bit of sunshine this week has certainly lifted my spirits. I'm happy that spring isn't very far off!

  14. Did you do the flower arrangements? Those dogs are so cute. I understand what you mean, we lost 2 dogs (died within two months of each other), but now my dad has a puppy and although we still miss the other two.

  15. I hope you get one of the puppies in the picture. No one can take the place of Bonnie we all know that. A new puppy comes with a new life of it's own and fills those rooms with joy again. I had hoped you would get a new puppy when I read of the lost of Bonnie.

  16. I love your happy list...makes me think of my own.
    You know, I was tempted to not get another dog after our beloved lab passed away but I knew it was not a good idea when I found our adorable Jack. Already, he brings us so much pleasure and the kids love him so he is a full member of the family after 1 and half years.

  17. Ricki, I hope you are getting one of those pups!! It's important to have a dog :):) The salad looks yummy! Have fun today:) xxleslie

  18. RJ,
    It always brightens my day to read your happy list. It's the clouds that make us appreciate the sunshine, right?
    Oh, my, I hope you'll get one of those darling little Westies sometime in the not too distant future. Dogs are so comforting and I'll bet your sweet Bonnie would approve.

  19. There are days when finding the happy seems so hard but if we take the time to look and really see we should be able to find it.

  20. Aww! Great list:)
    Glad you have some 'happies' to share.
    Those pups are adorable!!!!

  21. Mustang Sally.... what an AWESOME name!!

  22. So glad to see your happy list RJ and that you are painting (especially something green). The sun is out here today which is cool but it's still too cold with snow all over my yard. Love the Mardi Gras decor on your table.

  23. I feel that I really must have one of those beautiful puppies!


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I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.
