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Musical Monday: Vienna Waits for You

Monday, February 24, 2014

I absolutely love the soundtrack for the movie 13 Going on 30, and one of my favorite Billy Joel songs is featured in the film.  I hope you enjoy it, and happy Musical Monday!

Vienna Waits for You
Billy Joel

I do love the sentiment(s) expressed in this song!  What (or where) is your Vienna???

Join Miss Angie @ Musical Monday!

Until next time…

Ricki Jill


  1. Great song! How could you not love that movie? I always watch it when I see it on reruns.

  2. Great song and it was a great movie. Love songs that have such great lyrics.

  3. Now I have to watch the movie tonight to listen to the soundtrack. I watched it with my daughter a few months ago, but don't recall the music.

  4. Fun song, from a fun movie! Thanks for linking up love!

  5. Billy Joel is a truly gifted song writer. Great song! I haven't seen that movie in years. I have always loved Jennifer Garner.


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