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My Happy List: It's Been a Happier Year!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My Happy List

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Good morning, My Lovelies!  It's Tuesday, so it's time for My Happy List! I'm combining a year in review with some of my more recent happy.

I'll start with the recent happy!

My Happy List

1.   We went to New Orleans for Christmas and visited our friends Chris, Charlotte, and their kids.  It was so much fun getting to visit with them in their stunningly gorgeous uptown home!  We enjoyed walking on Magazine Street (mostly in the rain) but that's okay.  We still had fun!  Two highlights for me was visiting Sucré and Plum.

Plum has some of the most unique, fun items on the planet.  It's a toy store for adults!  Hold up….mayhap I should clarify….it has fun stuff for kids of all ages, not adult toys.  :/  Never mind.

I love their selection of NOLA pillows!

This is what I bought for the art studio to hold small handled brushes.  I'm always losing them!

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See the zippers on the sides of the pouches?  Aren't they *fun*

We love to visit Sucré whenever we're in New Orleans.  Mr. Art @ Home loves the Nectar Ice Cream. I love the coffee, especially their Tchoupitoulas Blend.  I bought some home, along with some sipping chocolate!

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The sipping chocolate is for Shanley Belle, and the Tchoupitoulas Blend coffee is for me.  Shanley's boyfriend Charles bought me the Hot Cocoa pot.  I love how it blends hot cocoa with water or milk.

2.   I won a nice prize from Marfi @ Incipient Wings.  I won Mermaid, and it is the very best book!  I can't wait to share it with you in  couple of weeks on my Literary Friday post.

I also won a snuggly blankie, hot chocolate, and some peppermint mini marshmallows.  I've never had peppermint marshmallows before, but I love all things peppermint, so I know I'll *love* them.  UPDATE:  I do love them!  I just had some in my hot cocoa!  :D

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Rich milk chocolate is my favorite flavor.  It mixes well in my new chocolate pot!

3.   I put up some of our Christmas decor, but I keep most of it out until Twelfth Night.  While I was organizing old decorations, guess what I found??? This pretty runner!  I bought it after Christmas several years ago, and I had forgotten all about it!  I love the red ticking, and I bought it at the same time I bought the cute little dishtowel.

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*squee*  It was like Christmas all over again!  Finding the table runner made me happy.

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I also found this lovely runner and napkins on sale (75% off) at Sur la Table.  This will stay out until I decorate the table for our New Year's Day brunch.

…and now on to my Year in Review!

2013 was a very good year for Art @ Home although I did not get many new followers at all.  But that's okay….I truly treasure each and every single one of you!

The biggest project of the year was the kitchen counter redo.  

You can see the entire kitchen reveal here.

We also replaced our bathroom countertops:

2013 was the year for countertops in the Treleaven house!

I participated in three rather big link parties:

My Canadian friends also let me participate in Christmas Cookie Week.  I was so honored!

You may view my archives and read about the Week of Christmas Cookies!!!

I received the most emails and comments on the Coddled Eggs 101 post. I think I even received more emails than comments on this one:

I was truly shocked by the most viewed post of 2013:

By FAR the most viewed post of 2013!

My favorite posts from 2013 are:

Yesterday, I posted my favorite songs of the year.  Most of them were featured on my Musical Monday posts hosted by Miss Angie.

In May, Mr. Art @ Home gave me a blog design courtesy of Miss Angie.  I love the new look of my blog, and it's a better organized space now.  I have ideas for 2014, and I hope to continue to improve Art @ Home!

I'm grateful for the support for My Happy List and Literary Friday.  Y'all might be a small group, but you're mighty in your support, and I thank-you all from the bottom of my heart!

I'll share our New Year's Day brunch with y'all tomorrow afternoon, and a Best of 2013 post for Literary Friday on Friday, January 3rd.

Until next time…

Ricki Jill


  1. I am one of those new followers in 2013. I enjoy your blog because of the variety- books, music, happy anything, and recipes. I am promising myself to be a faithful contributor to My Happy List in 2014. I always read it, but I don't often write my own - usually due to timing. In fact, if the timing works today after a drive to Los Angeles for reclaimed wood and a final swim for the year, I will take some pics and write a Happy List post.

    Happy New Year

  2. That's quite a happy list. I love that shutter photo. I love the runner you found. I love when I find something that I forgot I had! Your bathroom counters are so pretty, and I love your kitchen remodel.

  3. Happy, Happy New Year to you, Dear One.

    A wonderful wrap-up post.

    What a lovely, lovely, lovely kitchen you have. Oh my, how I would love to tour your beautiful home.

    Gentle hugs,
    "Here there be musing" blog

  4. What a fabulous year! We are both so very blessed. I would love to read that book and now I'm off to look at your favorite music. I'm so glad we're friends. You have the most FUN blog! Happy New Year my friend!

  5. Countertops and chocolate- oh my! You've had a great year, and I've really enjoyed seeing all of your news, reading your reviews (and getting inspired by them), pinning your recipes, and sighing over your table and room decor. :)
    Have a fun, and safe, NYE tonight!

  6. You did have a great year and I am so glad that I got to share it with you through your blog. I'm looking forward to another great year and have made it one of my goals to participate more in your happy lists, they are just a wonderful idea.

    I hope you have a wonderful New Year! See you next year ;)


  7. Ricki, I love your year in review. You had some good times and good stuff!~ XO Many blessings to you in the New year to both you and your family. XO

  8. Looks like it was a great year. Happy New Year to you & your family, Ricki!

  9. I am so glad I have Barnes & Noble gift cards...better find myself a mermaid! Happy New Year dear friend!

  10. Nice happy list RJ! So glad you had fun in New Orleans. You have me thinking of having a cup of hot chocolate now and snuggling up to watch my new DVD (Downton Abbey). I enjoyed your year in review.

  11. Sounds like 2013 was a bloody great year, I hope 2014 is another bloody great year for you and yours

  12. Wow, that's a whole lot of happy - and that is an amazing thing!

    I am a vintage dish freak, but don't know the china pattern featured in your most popular post, but it looks almost identical to some Harmony House china my Mom has :)

    Is Happy List a meme of sorts? If so, maybe I can participate in the coming year. It's always good to be happy, and to see how much we really have to be happy with/about :)

  13. This is a great list! My husband and I went to NOLA about 20 years ago, and we loved it. I would love to go back. If we do, I am e-mailing you to get the scoop on all the places we should go! (The china pattern views kind of surprises young women even register for china anymore? The last three weddings I went to , the women registered at Target and Bed, Bath and Beyond, with nary a china pattern to be found. Of course, they were teachers and probably knew we were all broke!) My husband laughs at me--as the "Keeper of the Dead Peoples' Stuff," I have SIX sets of china! I thought perhaps my daughter would one day take a set or two off my hands, but she's in New York City, being all trendy and whatnot. Happy New Year!

  14. It is so much fun getting to see all these year-end reviews, and yours was no exception. You had a fun year! I adore how fun and cheerful your kitchen is!

  15. Love New Orleans! Wish we were going for the game. Sounds like you had a great trip, meeting old friends and lots of shopping! Perfect for your happy list!
    Blessings to all for a great new year!


  16. I love this post! You had a great year. I love the little pouches. I am glad you had a good Christmas with friends.


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Hello, Lovelies!

I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.


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