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My Happy List: It's Thanksgiving Break!!!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

My Happy List

Welcome to My Happy List!  Please use the button coding above, link-up, visit participating blogs, and have fun!!!

I'm so happy that the holidays are here!  :D

My Happy List

1.   I survived last Friday.  The high schoolers did a great job with their Coffee Shop fundraiser, and the kids were delightful during their Spanish Cooking Class here at the house.  Mr. Diego served-up some wonderful Spanish tapas!  

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Shelley's friends Daria, Sue, and Jessica don Christmas aprons.

2.   Our new countertops in our bathroom are so pretty!  I love the Alabama marble.  I can't show you the rest of the bathroom because it looks like a bomb went off!  I'm happy that Mr. Art @ Home found the marble at such a ridiculously inexpensive price.

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Am I the only person in America who likes brass?
Methinks I am…..Mr. Art @ Home also installed new faucets.

3.   Roses make me happy, especially a bucket full of them from the flower market.  :D

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Some of them aren't opening……

4.   I decorated for Christmas, and we'll put the tree up this week.  Christmas decor makes me so happy! I doubt I'll post many photos because you've seen most of our decor from previous years.

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Decorating our kitchen makes me happy!

Anthropologie's annual tree trimming video
"Welcome to Merryville"

5.   I cleaned-up my art studio!  *squee*  A person can actually walk through from the dining room to the foyer.

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Being able to see the floor and my table makes me happy!

6.   Big Sister is coming home today from college.  I can't wait to spend some time with her!  Lil Sis has been out of school all week.  SO HAPPY to spend some time with my girls!

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A certain teenager and Westie princess I know slept until 2:00 PM yesterday....

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Then one of them had the audacity to request homemade beignets for "breakfast!"  :/

I'll see you back here on Friday for my Literary Friday post and link party!

Until next time…

Thanksgiving Blessings!
Ricki Jill


  1. Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you enjoy every minute with your two girls!!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your time with the family.

  3. Fun times, Ricki Jill! Enjoy your family; and Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. I seriously want to eat those beignets! You southerners have such great food! Nom nom nom. Love your girls, and your westie! REALLY love your art studio!

  5. Ahahaha! Ah, teenagers. :D

    I love your idea of Christmas balls in a muffin tin...brilliant! We don't do a tree (like everything else that grows around here, I'm allergic to pine), so I need to find a good use for my tree ornaments, and you've totally inspired me with that!

    Well done on surviving the chaos and YAY for cheap marble! That's as scarce as hen's teeth-- well done to the Mister! (for the record, brass looks good with white...I frankly prefer brass to gold, though silver over both, and copper with cool toned colors).

  6. Reading your Happy List made me happy because it made me recall Thanksgiving 1964. My sister was away at college in her freshman year. It was a 10 hour drive and even a 3 hour drive for her to get to an airport so she had not been home. I was over the top excited to see my sister.

    Fast forward to Thanksgiving 1993. Our son, JP, was in his freshman year at CAL. It was before cellphones were common, he had no telephone and wouldn't have called anyway. We had only spoken with him 3 times since we left him in Berkeley in August. Again, I was over the top excited to have him home with us.

    Thank you for evoking happy memories for me.

  7. Love your marble -- I am dying to put Alabama white marble somewhere in my house. I think I am in love with your Victorian settee!

  8. I love the marble with the brass. It's so pretty. The girls look like they had fun.

    I love brass and gold, and I have some in my home mixed with some silver. I had a home with a Grohe kitchen brass faucet; it was so pretty.

  9. You have such a beautiful home and the marble and brass are gorgeous! Enjoy your week with your sweet family! Happy Thanksgiving my friend!

  10. This happy list looks like it contains some pretty cool things to be happy about, I also like the look of the bathroom.

  11. Such a nice happy list, RJ. It's such a fun time for family, flowers, decorating, I just love all of your pictures. And thanks for sharing the adorable video. Happy Thanksgiving!

  12. You have a beautiful home! I can't wait to start decorating for Christmas, even though I will not be here for long after to enjoy it, I'll be traveling to the south for the rest of Christmas break

  13. Don't you just love the holidays.
    Family being home and those days filled with cheer spent with each other laughing and baking and shopping.
    Oh have fun!!

  14. RJ,
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your sweet family.

  15. Ricki Jill, there are so many things that I loved about this post. That little video is the sweetest. And I love your couch in your Art Studio; it's something I would have in my own home. The marble countertops are very nice in your bathroom, and aahhh, the roses add a special touch.

    Happy Thanksgiving, Ricki Jill, and I hope you are surrounded with all your loved ones. Enjoy your turkey!


  16. Those Christmas aprons are too cute. Love all the reasons that you're so HAPPY this week. Have a fabulous holiday weekend with your family.

  17. Awh...what a beautiful Happy List. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Enjoy your beauties!!!

  18. Your post makes me happy! Love that sofa, yum!
    This little guy makes me happy!
    Have a very blessed Thanksgiving.
    Big hugs,

  19. Great happy list. I cannot wait too until all my children are in the house together! They will be asking me to bake fresh croissants for breakfast..for sure. Your beignets look tasty!
    Oh and I love brass it. I have been wanting to redo our bathroom for years now and I will be on the hunt for some antique brass. That marble looks fabulous as well.

  20. Your home is gorgeous! Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving. Enjoy time with your girls!

  21. Hi Ricki! Your family will once again be complete for thanksgiving. Enjoy dinner and wishing you a great weekend ahead.


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