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Musical Monday: Woods

Monday, November 25, 2013

Happy Monday!  I'm in a chill mood today, so instead of my (usual) Alt-Nation favorites, I want to share with you "Woods" from George Winston's Autumn CD.

The images are stunning, too.  I almost shared "Thanksgiving" from the December album, but I don't like it as well.  Maybe next year!


Hear some other great tunes @My So-Called Chaos:

Musical Mondays

Until next time…

Ricki Jill


  1. Beautiful! I enjoy George Winston very much.

  2. Hey Sweet Ricki Jill!

    Love the Alabama marble ~ it's as pretty as Italian marble, and of course Georgia marble too! And your music tastes match mine when it comes to George Winston. I never get tired of listening to his tunes.

    Thank you as always, for your lovely visits to my blog. I so appreciate it. Hope you and yours had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    Ciao bella,


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