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My Happy List: Autumn Happy!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

My Happy List
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Good afternoon, Lovelies!  Welcome to My Happy List!!!  I hope your week is going well so far.

My Happy List

1.   I'm very happy that Shelley's school, horse trainers, and tutors have agreed to consolidate some of her activities.  This not only makes things much easier for me, but also for Shelley.  It gives all of us more free time and family time.  YAY!!!  This will also free up more time for me to blog and blog jog starting next week.  I'm so happy about it.  I've missed blogging and visiting y'all (plus I could really use some fall inspiration).

2.   Since we are spending a couple of afternoons at the library each week, I've discovered some wonderful craft and art books.  I'll be posting about them in the weeks to come.  Learning new things always makes me happy!

I am loving this book! 

This is one of my favorite projects from the book.  I love the colorful hooks!  More about Past & Present in a later post.

2.   Like I said earlier, I really need some fall inspiration, and I found some cute pumpkin crafts that made me belly laugh.  Check these out:

I found these on HGTV's website here, although I think Layla Palmer put these together.

3.   Pretty Roses make me happy!!!  I love their color...perfect for autumn. They are named "Erin."

LOL Don't you just love the switch plate in the background.  I so don't camera sucks out loud anyway.

4.   To save time in the evening since we're getting home past seven o'clock three if not four times per week, I've been collecting slow cooker recipes. Tonight we're having Sweet Potato Chili!  Anything to save time makes me happy these days!

Everything you need for this healthy chili.  I'll post the recipe later in the week!

5.   I'm so happy that I'm painting more mini paintings for a show coming up later this fall.  They are so much fun!  

This one has a white ironstone pitcher, roses, and a water carafe.  I like to frame them all fancy to make them feel more important given their diminutive stature!  ;P
The canvases are 3" X 4".

Please share your happy with us below!  This is a linky.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Shelley's school sounds pretty special from what you've said. Glad it's working out for y'all.

    I'm so happy because I was at library this morning and found a great book. Found out that you can search by 'Similar to _________'. I searched Similar to Fannie Flagg and came up with some fun options.

    Now let me tell ya, that chili sounds a little too healthy to me. :) Let us know if it's good.

  2. I'm amazed at how much you get done every week! I'm glad you take time to do some are a busy lady and very talented! Sweet hugs!

  3. Thank you for hosting... those pumpkins are GREAT!

    I'm happier already :)

  4. I ts so good to hear you happy, your meal sounds lovely and your painting is beautiful, where do you find such beautiful frames, they match your work perfectly!

  5. Great reasons to be happy, Ricki Jill!!
    I love those pumpkin craft ideas!!! Especially the one peeking out of the little pot - so cute!
    Mmm sweet potato chili, sounds delish! Can't wait to see the recipe! :)

  6. What a bunch of adorable pumpkins! I specially love the cutie inside the pots, lol! Pretty painting and lovely flowers and vase. Thank you for the party Ricky Jill.
    Big hugs,

  7. It seems like you have a lot to be happy about. i am glad that you are consolidating your daughter's activities so you have less driving.

    Good luck with you upcoming art show.

  8. I'm so happy that Shelley's school is such a good fit. Less stress is always a good thing! I laughed out loud at the cute pumpkins with eyes peeking out of the bowls and pots. I'm going to copy that idea.
    Visiting you always makes me HAPPY! ~ Sarah

  9. Those light switch plates seem to make their way into the pictures. Are you painting those roses? The show wouldn't happen to be the Country Living Fair in Atlanta, would it? I'm happy!! I LOVE those colorful hooks - ingenious idea! I'm glad you will have more time to devote to us - mucho happy face!

  10. Oh I am so happy everyone is working with everyone for Shelley! I cannot wait to see your mini so excited to see!!! I cannot wait for your recipe and for your crafting post! I just love creative things.

  11. I love your happy list - I love knowing what is going on in your life and I love seeing all the things that make you happy. Take those eyes on the little pumpkins hiding in the bowls - adorable! Take Shelley's school going well - that is huge! Take your chili recipe using cocoa powder - interesting! I'm looking forward to the recipe.

  12. Oh my gosh, I LOVELOVELOVE the mini pumpkins with googly eyes, hiding in the cassolettes. BRILLIANT! I must do that here. Thank you!

  13. Oh and I forgot your adorable little painting - that makes me happy and makes me inspired to try such a little one. I need to buy some more canvases so I might buy some little ones and give them a try. Yours is so pretty.

  14. You are such a good painter, great picture. The pumpkin projects made me laugh, sooo cute. Glad life will slow down for you a little, but I think crock pot meals are a great idea, busy or not!


  15. Your mini painting is wonderful! I'm sure they will go like hotcakes. Thank you for the idea for peekaboo pumpkins. I'm going to create a spooktacular vignette of peeking pumpkins! I'm glad things are going well for you. That makes ME happy.

  16. I love this post and the idea of us sitting down and taking time to consider what makes up happy. I don't think we do that enough.
    Thanks for reminding me.

  17. So much to be happy about, and I love those pumpkin crafts! Also yum on the chili! Sorry I'm late linking up! Was dealing with an issue yesterday and away from the computer!

  18. RJ,
    Sorry, I'm taking a blogging break, I'll post next week. I do love your happy list. I haven't started fall decorating in earnest yet. We're going to be out of town this weekend, pumpkin search. :D
    Enjoy your weekend and be sure to share any tried and true slow cooker recipes with your readers.

  19. As always I love your happy list. Those pumpkins are darling. I am so glad that you are going to be back blogging regularly- xo Diana

  20. It is great that Shelley's school is doing that and making life so much easier for you and her.......I loved the roses very nice

  21. I forgot about your mini paintings! I love them! I am curious about that chili!

  22. We had chili on Monday, the man made it which saved loads of time, our evenings have become hectic! Glad Shelley schedule is improving which means so is yours. Love those hooks!

  23. So, so glad to see your happy list AND so, so glad to be finally getting my head above water again.

  24. Your mini paintings are just gorgeous! The book sounds interesting as well.
    Big hugs,

  25. You gathered some really happy things here. How good your daughter's schedule is consolidated, and the punkins peeking out of things are cuties, and so is the board with the colorful hooks.
    I will do a 2d happy list on my blog, sometime soonish.


Comments are friendly!

Hello, Lovelies!

I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.


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