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My Happy List: Thank-You!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

My Happy List

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My Happy List

1.  Over the weekend, I participated in Vanessa's Mad Tea Part @ A Fanciful Twist.  I would like to thank-you for your kind comments.  I visited all the other parties (it was time consuming but so worth it).  The Mad Tea party made me very happy!

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If you missed my Mad Tea Party post, you can see it here.

2.   Speaking of "thank-yous,"  the next challenge in The Book of Doing is learning how to say "thank-you" in several languages!

{Mandarin}              Xie Xie (shi-e shi-e)
{Spanish}                Gracias (GRAH-syahs)
{French}                  Merci (MEHR-see)
{Hebrew}                 Toda (toh-DAH)
{Japanese}              Domo arigato (doh-moh ah-     

Learning new things makes me so very happy!  

3.   We've had a very wet summer.  But look!  Although we've had rain the past couple of days, we've had a little bit of sun and blue skies!  :D

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Rainbows make me happy!

Okay, my's your turn!  Share your happy posts!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. ah I missed your tea post, gonna check it out right now.

    I love your rainbow picture!

  2. That is an incredible rainbow shot!

  3. Thank you for hosting! I thought of you when I was at the Atlanta airport. :) Will have to check out the tea party.

  4. A great happy post! Love the Book of Doing. Such a neat idea!

  5. I think learning how to say thank you in multiple languages is a wonderful idea:) Enjoy your day Ricki! xxleslie

  6. The tea party is always a hightlight! You visited all of the parties? WOW! That's a huge achievement but I know you had fun! I still love your new book! Hugs!

  7. I love that! I want to know thank you in almost every language. Also hello, and how to count to ten! haha! I've got French, English, an Spanish down on all of those lol.

    1. The book also taught how to say hello and please! :D I'm loving this book!

  8. Glad you are finding some happy time this week.

  9. I love your list. I love the Mad Hatter Tea Party too. That's our second time. I think I visited all of them too!!!

  10. I love to learn new things and I too love rainboes..I just saw one after a good rain from my kitchen window! Thanks for the great party sweet friend. I specially love to be here! Love your book too...and so fun! Have a great rest of your week.

  11. Haven't had an opportunity to visit any of the other Mad Tea Parties, but I plan to. Loved every detail of your Party! Enjoy your sunshine! ~ Sarah

  12. I always look forward to your Happy Lists but then I look forward to all your posts, whatever the subject. And your tea party? Enchanting! So beautifully done.

  13. What a fun sounding book. It's wonderful to learn new things!
    Love the rainbow picture! I smiled thinking how I am finding joy in the rain while you are finding joy in a break from it. :o)

  14. Thanks so much for hosting, I'm getting the book today! I used one of your quotes in my post, it was just what I was looking for!

  15. Oh my goodness! The rainbow pictures is gorgeous! I think I need to check out that book as well!

  16. The Book of Doing? I'm going to be checking that out. And I will be DOING a happy list next week.

  17. I saw this post when I visited your Mad Tea Party and have been thinking about joining you. I think it is a great way to keep mindful about all the things there are to be happy about. I plan to give it a go this Tuesday. I'm putting the icon on my sidebar now so I won't forget.


Comments are friendly!

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