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My Happy List: Looking Ahead

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

My Happy List

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Good morning, my Pretties!  It's Tuesday morning, so that means it's time to share some happy.  I have some fun activities I'm looking forward to, and since they're indoors, the rain will have no impact on my enjoyment.  YAY!

My Happy List

1.   There are two blog parties I'm working on this week.  They are:

I'm so excited.  :D  Will you be attending either of these parties?  Shelley and I are looking forward to playing in the kitchen and dining room.  Link parties like these make me so *happy*

2.   Are you a member of my book club?

Our book for July has just been announced, and it is:

 While Eleanor & Park is technically classified as YA lit and has a cutesy cover, don’t let the stigma of “books for teens” fool or deter you. It is written about teens, sure, but the themes are so universal that anyone who survived high school will relate to the lives of the two protagonists. Eleanor is the new girl in town and her wild red hair and patchwork outfits are not helping her blend in. She ends up sitting next to Park on the bus, whose tendencies towards comic books don’t jibe with the rest of his family’s love of sports. They sit in awkward silence every day until Park notices that Eleanor is reading his comics over his shoulder; he begins to slide them closer to her side of the seat and thus begins their love story. Their relationship grows gradually--making each other mixed tapes (it is 1986 after all) and discussing X-Men characters--until they both find themselves looking forward to the bus ride more than any other part of the day. Things aren’t easy: Eleanor is bullied at school and then goes home to a threatening family situation; Park’s parents do not approve of Eleanor’s awkward ways. Ultimately, though, this is a book about two people who just really, really like each other and who believe that they can overcome any obstacle standing in the way of their happiness. It’s a gem of a book. --Caley Anderson via Amazon

Great summer reads make me so happy!

3.   I need to work on my Smash journals.  Smash journals are fun!  I've been working on a recipe book for my daughter, and I need to add these recipes:

Cherry Balsamic Ribs from

Barbeque Jack Chicken from

A friend sent me the following recipe for a blueberry cobbler, and it might be the best one I've ever baked.  What's different about this one is that the crust is more like a sugar cookie than a dense, cripsy crust.  It also uses orange juice as a sweetener.

The Very Best Blueberry Cobbler Ever

3 cups fresh blueberries
3 tablespoons white sugar
1/3 cup orange juice
2/3 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1 pinch salt
1/2 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup white sugar
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1.   Preheat oven to 375.
2.   In an 8 inch square baking dish, mix blueberries, 3 tablespoons sugar, and orange juice. Set aside. 3.   In a small bowl, thoroughly mix flour, baking powder, and salt. Set aside.
4.   In a medium bowl, cream butter and 1/2 cup sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in egg and vanilla extract. Gradually add flour mixture, stirring just until ingredients are combined. 
5.   Drop batter by rounded tablespoons over blueberry mixture. Try to cover as much of filling as possible.
6.   Bake in preheated oven for 35 to 40 minutes, until topping is golden brown and filling is bubbling.


4.   I found a new tea that I found on sale at World Market.  I like it!  And it reminds me that Kate is about to give birth at any moment.  I hope she and William have a princess!  :D

5.   For the last activity that's making me happy, you'll have to come back tomorrow....It deserves its own post!  ;P

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Hi RJj, I’m so happy is isn’t raining here today, yet! I’m looking forward to both these parties where we’ll find fun and great creative ideas for Christmas. I have to make this blueberry cobbler, looks delicious. Yesterday I made a peach and blueberry but I want to try this crust.
    I know you are having summer fun with the girls!

    The French Hutch

  2. I saw that tea at World Market. Cute box. I love a good cobbler. I want to go buy berries and make one. That screams summer.

  3. Thanks so much for hosting...I have your Happy button on my sidebar to tell folks about this great party. EVERYone has SOMEthing HAPPY to boast about. :)
    That cobbler is just what I am going to make for the weekend coming up. Thanks!
    I would love to join the Mad Tea Party...of course all my pretty cups are packed deep at the Summer House but I'm gonna come up with SOMEthing...I just LUV tea parties...:)

  4. EEEEE! I am beyond thrilled that you liked the ribs!
    I'm totally in for the bookclub-when should I have it read by?

  5. Great list!

    That looks like an interesting book.

    We are doing the Mad Hatter Party and I will have to check out the other.

    I made gluten-free muffins last night. I forgot the apple-cider vinegar, but realized it while the mix was in the cup. We scooped up the cups and poured the batter back in the bowl... Maybe a photo, no recipe... LOL

  6. Just reading your Happy List made me happy!! :)
    This is quite the list RJ. Okay, so I will make the cobbler and blame you for the extra pounds and those ribs...well, have to have another rib recipe. I am sorta known for making ribs around here.
    As usual, thanks, thank you and merci.

  7. Oh, I totally forgot that we have a new little royal on the way! Wow, time flies. That blueberry cobbler sounds divine- thanks so much for sharing! I can't wait to lurk the two link parties. :D

  8. I didn't realize you were part of Connie's book club! I am-- but a very bad so behind on reading any books member of it :) This one does sound good and I like YA books.

  9. Oh so many things so many things!!! I am excited to see your tea party post and have been for awhile now! I am so looking forward to your post. Explain to me about your book club sounds interesting. I have never heard of a Smash Journal. Your recipes looks yummy! I am glad you have so many wonderful things to look forward too. I too can not wait for the royal one to be here.

  10. I will check you out at the two parties. I am just out of time to join in but last year Alice's party was the best.
    Enjoy Kathy

  11. Oh My Goodness! You've been so busy!
    I have seen that tea... I almost picked it up. :)


  12. Blueberry cobbler recipe and British Invasion Tea, you got my attention, and that book sounds good too.
    These happy lists are fun, thanks for commenting on mine.

  13. So many of your posts make me want to eat and read. Those ribs look AMAZING. Love the idea of making a Smash/recipe book.

  14. Oh those recipes... :) Yummy. I haven't tried a smash journal yet, but I've heard some good things.

  15. Wow you are really keeping busy! That books looks cute and that cobbler mmmmh!

    I'm also hoping for a little princess!

  16. Your cobbler looks delicious Ricki! Thank you for sharing it with us.

  17. I just recently read Attachments by Rainbow Rowell and really liked it. I will have to read Eleanor and Park. It's interesting that she doesn't write in current day. Attachments takes place in 1999.
    Carole (Stapes)

  18. I'm loving Eleanor and Park! It's been the prefect distraction.....


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I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.


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