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We Want To Know Wednesday: How's Your Summer So Far?

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

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{no. 1} Show us in pictures how your Summer is going so far: 

{no. 2} What is one thing you are never too busy for? Spending time with my girls.  I love to take a break each afternoon, make a fresh pot of tea, and listen to them chatter about what's going on in their lives.

{no. 3} What were you doing 30 minutes ago? I'm so happy you asked!  I was working on my first challenge from this book:

Do you want to see my first challenge?  Sure you do!  It's a create your own sundae activity:

             photo cc4dc36b-fa51-4958-b68b-e17854aebd6c.jpg

This would be my dream sundae:  green tea ice cream, pineapple, and honey.

But since I'm trying to make healthier choices, I'll have this instead:

Pinkberry cherry yogurt, chocolate sprinkles, and strawberries

I will be working through this delightful Book of Doing.  I'll post my results from time to time.  The purpose of the book is to unlock creativity, and I really need it.  It will help me get out of my comfort zone a little, too.

{no. 4} What is the best advice you have ever received?  Hand your problem over to God and quit worrying about it!  I hardly ever follow that advice because I'm a worrier.  

{no. 5} Share some of your favorite quotes

Thank-you for hosting, Kenzie and Scriptor!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. It sounds like you and your family are having a good summer.


  3. The Book of Doing sounds like a great idea. I've never seen Green Tea ice cream but I will take your word on it :)

  4. I like the quote from Disney--and really need to take it to heart. I worry too much about stuff.

  5. I have never tried Green Tea Ice Cream... so intrigued, I'll have to find some!! :)

    I love that Disney quote too. I'm a worry-wart at heart. I need to be more aware of it, and remind myself of this quote more often!

  6. I have a Barnes and Noble gift card and you just showed me what to get with it. I am going to order The Book of Doing.

  7. Love your answers, Ricki Jill. Especially love the quotes at the end- xo Diana

  8. Love that you have your afternoon tea and sit and chats with the girls.
    that is an amazing MOM.
    Your list of quotes are great!
    I so get the worrying thing, I am right there with ya. But learning to loosen the grip more and more everyday.

  9. I think I need to buy that book, and not by ordering it online...noooo, I need to go to the bookstore! (I went last week and only bought for the kids and am still hurting from the experience apparently)

  10. LOVE that you all did so well at the horse show! Makes me think of my own riding days. We are having a blast this summer-loving the weather. Everything is growing in the garden. Food is tasting great and the hot tub is heated.

  11. Alright I am going to comment a lot more on this after I am done grilling but I cracked up laughing at your favorite quote from Forest Gump. he he he

  12. I love your summer pictures. I cannot help but smile when I see the ribbons and the picture of the horse. I love your advice... I too am a worrier, great advice. I cannot wait to see your creativity.

  13. I love all of the wonderful quotes! And I'll look for that book! I love reading books that inspire and motivate...and get you going in different directions! Sweet hugs!

  14. Thank you for the quote reminders. I can very well related with worrying too. I guess its a natural tendency for every member of the female populace. :)

    Have a great day Ricki! Enjoy summer with your smart and beautiful girls.

  15. Hi RJ! Sounds like you've having a good summer and I loved the quotes at the end.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  16. I really enjoyed this Jill. Fun Q & A's and I loved the quotes!

  17. Love these Q & A's Ricki! So glad you are prioritizing time with your family. You will never regret that! wonderful quotes:)


  18. Yes, definitely looks like a good summer. And I love those new yogurt places. I always get taro with lots of strawberries and raspberries on top. So good! Thanks for linking up.

  19. Love each and every one of those quotes. I think I will head down and get some yogurt now. xo Laura

  20. So tell us what the book about "Doing" is all about.....

    I love Greek Yogurt and I just add things to the plain ---I have found some nice recipes on Pinterest to make it different flavors like cookie dough etc. I do think it is as good as ice cream , but when I add my own stuff it is less sweet for me.

    Hey, how do you follow people now that blogger doesn't have the google reader?

  21. Hi Ricki,

    Sounds like your summer is going great! Wonderful quotes to live by. Thanks for stopping by my blog and beginning a follower. I'm following you too now.

  22. After browsing through the pictures, I have to make a trip to the fridge...I'm hungry.
    I write a blog which I have entitled “Accordingtothebook” and I’d like to invite you to follow it. I’m your newest follower.

  23. Ricki Jill,
    This is great. I'll be interested in your review of the Book of Doing when you've finished. It sounds promising.

  24. Oh, I like the concept of this book! Very interesting! Have a great weekend!


Comments are friendly!

Hello, Lovelies!

I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.
