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My Happy List

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

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My Happy List

I only have one thing to be happy about today.  I'm no longer sick.  YAY!  I got food poisoning Sunday night, and it's been a rough past couple of days.  I an eat dry cereal and a little toast, for which I'm very thankful.

Sorry that this post is so late.  I had to take Shelley to the barn @ 7:30 AM and we're just now getting home.

I do have a pretty to share with you.  Mr. Art @ Home and the girls gave me this honey pot made by MacKenzie-Childs (in the Odd Fellows pattern, Taylor collection) for Mother's Day.  He wanted me to have a present to open in addition to my blog makeover.  :D

The honey pot came with the cute ceramic honey drizzler, too.

I love the little bee on top!

I'm making myself a pot of tea, and I'm going to add some honey if I can.  I'll read blogs, books, magazines, and rest for the remainder of the day.

I hope you'll share your happy posts with me.  I could use some cheering-up!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Ricki Jill, I so need to remember to take part in your Happy List some week! I love your honey pot, so sweet! Enjoy it, rest up & hope you're feeling back to normal soon. XO

  2. Oh my gosh you are just getting hit from one side then another. Poor girl. Take care rest up. Honey is bery healing so a good time to have a honey pot ;)
    My happy is scarf orders are pouring in and it gives my mind a rest from all else in life when I have that crochet hook going :)
    Get well soon

  3. oh dear sweet Ricki, there is not much worse than food poisoning, yikes!!! I hope you have a relaxing healing day, such a beautiful honey pot!!!

  4. Hi RJ! Thanks so much for visiting me last week! I'm sorry I'm so late getting back to you. I love the honey pot!! So sweet!

  5. So glad you are feeling better! :D

  6. Olá amiga,Obrigada pela visitinha!!!Amo sua atenção!!!
    É,de vez em quando acontece essas coisinhas desagradáveis,melhoras se cuida.
    Um doce abraço do Brasil, Marie.

  7. You poor dear! That is so miserable and I hope you are feeling much better now. Take care of yourself, my friend! You're too sweet to be sick! Sweet hugs!

  8. Your honey pot is adorable! Your MC collection always makes me happy.

    Glad you're feeling better!

  9. RJ,
    Such a cute honey pot and such a sweet family to celebrate your new blog header.
    Food poisoning is the worst. I'm happy to hear you're on the mend.

  10. Ricki Jill, glad you are on the mend, but sorry to hear you've had this to deal with. Yikes!
    You know I'm smiling at the thought of you opening a package to find the honey pot. How sweet is that!
    The honey pot is on my short list of what I want to add to my cupboards. It is definitely a happy piece!
    Take care and get 100% soon........Sarah

  11. Oh dear sweet lady! So sorry to hear you were poisoned! There might be some random over at my place that could make you smile...possibly better than a creepy monkey even!

  12. Food poisoning...what a shame. My hubby had it once and I felt so bad for him. Glad you're feeling better. Your honey pot is so cute, what a sweet family you have!


  13. Oh my dear sweet friend! I am glad you are feeling better. I just love the honey pot, your husband is sure one loveable honey. ;P Okay that was corny. LOL

  14. Ricki Jill,
    Oh no, food poisoning. Please take care of yourself - you mean so much to me.


  15. O shame Ricki, that is awful! I hope you are feeling better today!
    Cute little Honey pot

  16. Sorry to hear you've had food poisoning and glad you are feeling better! Your honey pot would put a smile on anyone's face! Love the bee on top :)

  17. Glad you're feeling better. Food poisoning is, as you know, not a fun thing. Been there!
    I LOVE your honey pot! That definitely IS a fun thing and darling with the bee on top. Have a great Wednesday.

  18. Sorry to hear you've been ill. The honey pot sure is adorable!

  19. Such a sweet honey pot and cute little bee on top;) Sooey to hear yiu've been feeling sick:(. Hopefully the tea, along with extra rest, will help.

  20. How cute is that?! I love honey pots, especially when they're ceramic and artistic and whimsical. :)
    I'm glad you're feeling better, too...that sounds like a heck of a norovirus, to hang on so long.

  21. I missed this week :( but I've gotten a LOT of packing done!

    So sorry you weren't feeling well - that REALLY stinks. But I'm glad you're on the mend. And the honey pot is SO CUTE. I LOVE bees!! :)

  22. Oh man, you poor girl. What a way to spend the last few days. Just look on the bright side and figure you probably lost a few unwanted pounds. And now you are on to the nicer side of tummy problems - eating toast and drinking tea.

  23. I sure hope you are feeling better. How did you get food poisoning? I sure want to avoid that. Love your MC honey pot, very cute and so you. I hope everything is going well with everyone!! Hugs

  24. Food poisoning sucks and not because I kept spelling poisoning
    I like the honey jar with the cute little bee..........

  25. Sorry to hear about the food poisoning. I'm glas that you are doing better Ricki.

    Your MacKenzie-Childs collection always mesmerize me. It's like eye candy and a sweet treat for me. It's not in any way available in my country so I guess I always have to settle and enjoy your photo posts :)

    Have a great day Ricki!

  26. So glad you are feeling better. Food poisoning is just the pits. LOVE the honey pot. I always keep an eye open honeypots when I'm at markets-adore them.

  27. Glad you are feeling better. What an adorable honey pot!
    Be well.

  28. That's too bad you got sick like that. The MacKenzie Child's honey pot is so sweet!


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