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We Want to Know Wednesday

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Join Kenzie and Scriptor for We Want to Know Wednesday.  :D

Here are this week's questions:

{no. 1} What is your favorite flower?

I have several favorites, but I love these three best:



spirit of freedom rose

{no. 2} Tell us about your favorite Valentine's Day:

I guess it would be all of them in high school.  The junior class always sold carnations to raise money for the Jr./Sr. prom.  White ones were for friends, pink ones were for crushes, and red ones were for *love*  It was fun sending them, and it was fun trying to figure out who sent them, too!  :D
{no. 3} Was Valentine's Day a big deal when you were a kid?

Yes, it was!  I can remember covering boxes with crepe paper and decorating them.  The lid always had my name on it and a slot for the Valentine cards.  I couldn't wait to get home, open the box, and read the cards from my classmates.  
{no. 4} If you could have any one thing for Valentine's Day what would it be?

Hmmmm......I really can't think of anything other than flowers.  I love flowers!  

I love this arrangement from Dorothy McDaniel.

{no. 5} Do you have any special plans for Valentine's Day?

Not this year because our kitchen's going to be ripped apart on Friday morning  ;P

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Cara Ricki,Buon San Valentino!Baci,Rosetta

  2. Well a new kitchen is a good thing in the long run, but the process is less than fun.

  3. One year I got 17 valentines from the same boy. I think he liked me. ;) Good luck with the kitchen; I know you'll keep us posted!

  4. Hi Ricki Jill, I would take your list and make one change. Daffodil to the number one spot, my favorite. Like you I love all flowers. What a gift from mother nature!

    The French Hutch

  5. I love the idea of the carnations that were sold when you were in high sounds like so much fun for a teenager. Things were so sweet back then, weren't they?

    I'm looking forward to hearing what's going on with your kitchen!


  6. Ricki Jill,
    I love your "favorite" flowers. Is the spirit of freedom rose a climber?

  7. Sounds like the perfect excuse to go out for Valentine's Day dinner! :)

    Peonies are so pretty...I love how fluffy they look. And the carnation sending is a great idea! I wish my school had done that.

  8. I love all the above, even the ripping apart of the kitchen, thats exciting!!!!!

  9. I love the photos of the flowers Valentine's Day had never been a big thing for me. Today I gave Tim a box of chocolates and a card he gave me nothing

  10. Your favorite flowers could be mine as well. I sure hope the peonies I planted last year survive the winter. How exciting to be getting a new kitchen too! :o)

  11. I love your flower choices. My Mom loves peonies. I enjoyed reading about your childhood memories about Valentine's Day. Our school also sold carnations...same colors, same meanings. How lucky for you for the new kitchen. I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day.

  12. Flower Love~ my favorites too Ricki Jill! I'm not familiar with the Spirit of Freedom rose, I thought it looked like a David Austin and had to google :) Hope you get flowers today~ Happy Valentine's Day ♥


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