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National Pie Day and a Very Easy Pie Recipe

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Heart pie lollies available at Williams-Sonoma last year.

Do you *love* pie?  Today is National Pie Day, a day for celebrating pies.  :D

I've blogged about pies several times, and here are some of my favorites:

Everyone's favorite Butter Milk Pie
You can get the recipe here.

Mini apple pies

Mini cherry pies

Mini strawberry/raspberry pies

What is your favorite kind of pie?  Cherry?

Cherry pie is my favorite

In honor of National Pie Day, I wanted to share a recipe easy enough for your kids or grandkids to make.

This is what you'll need:

Instead of two cups of milk only add 1 3/4 cup to the pudding mix.

Easy S'mores Pie

graham cracker crust
instant chocolate pudding
1 3/4 cups milk
1 7 oz. jet-puffed marshmallow or tub of Kool Whip
marshmallows and chocolate chips for garnish if desired

1.   Mix pudding and milk together for two minutes with a wire whisk.  Pour into crust.  Chill for one hour.
2.   Heat marshmallow in glass bowl in microwave for about fifteen-twenty seconds.  Smooth on top of pie.  *or*  Top pie with Kool Whip.
3.   Garnish with marshmallows and chocolate chips.
4.   Serve immediately!

Red velvet coffe is delicious with this pie!

How are you celebrating National Pie Day?

Yep!  Everyone *loves* pie!!!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Mmmm yummmm, I had no idea! Will have to put this on the calendar.

  2. Ricki- I think I will make this pie with the girls this weekends- They will love it! Thanks so much-xo Diana

  3. I've never been big on fruit pies, but I do love a cream pie and your s'more pie sounds yummy!

  4. That pie looks delicious and so pretty, Ricki. Thanks for the recipe....

  5. Well, my gosh! I wasn't celebrating pie day, and now I must scramble!!

  6. Mmm pie and red velvet coffee. You are killing me.

  7. What pretty photos! I made chocolate eclairs for my birthday...and that's pretty much what they were...small pies! lol Hugs!

  8. I'm so happy to hear from you!! Hope all is well with you and yours!!!
    My favorite pie is coconut custard! YUM!!! If I knew it was national pie day, I would have bought one!!!

  9. So many yummy looking pies who doesn't like pie..............strange people that is

  10. I love pie! My favorite is anything lemon. But I think I could really get behind that s'more pie. Yum!

  11. What? Pie is my favorite dessert and I didn't even know. I would have made one of my two favorite pies. Pecan or Coconut Cream. Although, I love most pies. Except for Pumpking and Chocolate. The Smore pie is perfect for Winter and the pie pops are so fun!

  12. Those pies look so delicious! Thank you for sharing that recipe!

  13. Hi RJ!

    I am not a big pie eater... let me think about this. It would be a tie between pecan, coconut cream or key lime!
    Depends on the time of year, I guess!
    (I am fickle, what can I say!??)

    Still want to try your buttermilk pie recipe!

  14. Ricki Jill~ I TOTALLY missed pie day and celebrating with a slice!! Love that sweet towel and your Easy S'mores Pie looks like a treat :)

  15. Oddly enough, I hated pie for the first 20 years of my life. I have no idea why. Because these days, I lovedy love a cherry pie, a tart apple pie (especially with marzipan piped over the top, or with sharp cheddar melted over a piece), key lime pie (without the meringue)....and I would love to try a peach pie someday. :)

    Those heart cherry pies look amazing...I need to make those for V-day. Thanks for sharing! :D

  16. Look at all those cute little heart pies, I love it!

  17. What a fun pie that would be to make with my granddaughter! Cherry pie is also my favorite, and I want to make one soon. Thanks for visiting my table at Let's Dish this week and leaving a nice comment!

  18. I seriously want some pie. My grandmother used to make an egg custard pie that was to die for. It reminds me of your buttermilk pie.

  19. Oh gosh, I am catching up on your posts and they are all so wonderful. I will pin this smores recipe!


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