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Coddled Eggs 101 {plus a recipe}

Thursday, January 24, 2013

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After Tuesday's post, I received tons of emails and comments about coddled eggs. We enjoy them so much, so I thought I'd share all I know about them.

First, you need an egg coddler to make them.  Egg coddlers are fairly easy to find on Etsy and eBay, and some specialty kitchen stores stock them, too. We bought ours at Williams-Sonoma several years ago.

Cute little egg coddler for sale on Etsy

Next, you need to decide if you prefer to boil the eggs or bake them.  I've never baked them before, but here is a wonderful recipe from Williams-Sonoma for baking coddled eggs.

Here is my recipe.  I make four coddled eggs in four egg coddlers when I make them.  Adjust the recipe according to the number of eggs you're making and the coddlers you have!

Easy Coddled Eggs

4 eggs
2 T butter
Non-stick spray
salt and pepper


1.   Liberally spray the egg coddlers with non-stick cooking spray.

2.   Slice your 2T butter thinly into 8 slices.  Place one slice in the bottom of each coddler.  Break each egg and place them in the coddlers.  Add remaining butter slices on top of eggs, and season with salt and pepper.  Replace lid.

3.   Place coddlers in boiling water.  Water should reach 2/3 from the top of the coddler.  You do not want water getting inside it.

4.   Boil for 8 minutes if the eggs are fresh from the fridge, six minutes if eggs are room temperature.  (Add more cooking time if you're cooking two eggs in the coddler, maybe anywhere from two to four extra minutes.)

5.   I like to eat my egg straight from the coddler.  Mr. Art @ Home takes his egg out of the coddler and puts it on toast.

Bon Appetit!

Some folks like to add herbs, spices, and cheese to their eggs, and some of the larger coddlers hold two eggs.

So what do you think?  Will you try coddled eggs? 

 I think it would fun to collect vintage egg coddlers.  
This is Patchwork by Taste Setters @

Linking to:

Thursday Favorite Things

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. This making my mouth water! I LOVE a coddled or soft boiled egg! Your presentation is amazing. Thanks for the morning smile...I have all ready had my poached egg and avocado -- but thinking of this for the weekend : ) Sending you tons of hugs!!!

  2. Thank you for this. I am such a big egg person and we usually go for "dippers" (soft-boiled) or poached eggs. These sound very much like a poached egg but perhaps even better. I always love a new way to prepare eggs.

  3. My next mission is to find one of those and try that. It sounds good (and easy) and I won't have the problem of a poached egg when my white all goes funny in the water.

  4. Oh that sweet bird egg coddler! I've never had a "coddled" egg. I just had a 4 minute poached one this morning in a silicone egg poacher that I can toss in the dishwasher but not nearly as fun to eat that way :)

  5. I love your coddler - my Mom used to make these a lot - brings back wonderful memories!

  6. I love those little coddler pots. I would make them just to have those. Your breakfast plate looks so sweet and delicious.

    The French Hutch

  7. I've never heard of them. I love poached eggs and ate two yesterday. Thanks, I'll look into this. xo Jenny

  8. Great post! :) Thanks. I love finding little nifty items like this on Etsy.

  9. I have never heard of coddled eggs....where in the world have I been all my life? So, are they a lot like boiled eggs, without the shell once they are "coddled". I want to try this...and your coddlers are adorable!!!

  10. These look so good! I like the blue and white W&S pieces. Sounds easy enough and I will look forward to trying your recipe.

    Enjoy your day!


  11. The Egg Coddlers are adorable, your breakfast looks lovely...

  12. Certainly a lot cuter presentation than a poached egg!

  13. Ricki Jill,
    I've never fixed coddled eggs. We usually eat poached. I will have to try your recipe after I find some cute coddlers to buy.

  14. I love coddled eggs....and you can make them without a coddler, too! :)
    Fedora's grandmother taught us this trick- put the eggs in a saucepan with enough water to cover them, then bring the saucepan to boil. Let it boil only 2 minutes, then remove the eggs immediately and submerge them in cold or ice water (to stop the cooking process). Peel the shell and get ready to spread them on some toast.

    Also, for the record, baked eggs are magnificent, especially done with some white pepper and garlic salt, a little kale, some sprinkling of bacon in a rammekin...nomnomnom. :D

  15. I do believe I need to become an egg coddler!! This is perfect for me! Only the finest ladies coddle their eggs.

  16. my mum made these quite often on a Sunday, I have her egg coddlers but I must admit I never used them , you have inspired me!

  17. We sell a lot of egg daily users and collectors both...and always include a recipe. We always had coddled eggs growing up...what do you expect in a Brit home! Many people have no idea what they are for! Thanks for sharing so people can see a real live coddled egg fan!

  18. I have never had coddled eggs before. Very cool post - I love it when I learn about things I've never done, or seen so this is great!

  19. I've never heard of this RJ, but it looks yummers. That top pic makes me wanna come over and join you for breakfast!

  20. My mom always made them. My oldest son loves coddled eggs.

  21. First: you look so pretty in your new pic with doggie. I never made this eggs, so thank you for the recipe. I love those jars, sooo pretty! Thank you for your sweet and kind visit.

  22. My hubby's grandmother loved coddled eggs. I think she always baked hers though. Great presentation here! xo Diana

  23. Oh my goodness I have seen those at antique stores, but never really knew what they were!! I like my eggs hard, but it looks as this would work...Thank you!


  24. I never knew! These are maybe similar to poached eggs? My mom made us poached eggs all the time. I love them. I just might have to treat myself to an egg coddler.

  25. Hi, Ricki

    These are so sweet. I have a couple of these, but I love to use them. Thank you for stopping by my blog today. Have a great weekend.


  26. for all the years that I worked at WS how crazy is it that I don't own an egg coddler and I've never had one for breakfast! I've always wanted to have them for breakfast too! So silly! Clearly I need to put these on my shopping list!

  27. Never heard of Coddled Eggs but they sound like something I would like will have to give them a try.............

  28. This sounds like an "eating experience" rather than just breakfast! I've never coddled eggs, but I do think the entire experience sounds wonderful! Beautiful little coddlers you have!

  29. oh my goodness! I have a blog post waiting for Tuesday about egg codlers! you know what they say, great minds think alike. Yours are lovely. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things hop xo

  30. I didn't realize that is what a coddled egg is. I take it your recipe involves 4 coddled egg holders. Do you put the coddled egg cups in the dishwasher? It would certainly make for an easy breakfast if you didn't have to wash all the little cups afterwards. I love how pretty the cups are.

    p.s. looks like you are the new go-to resource for coddled eggs, judging from how many comments you have


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