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Literary Friday: Blackberry Winter

Friday, January 11, 2013

I want to thank all of y'all for your kind comments and emails.  I'm feeling a bit better, but I'm on two antibiotics and wither one or both is hurting my tummy!  I will respond to your sweet comments and visit you later on during the weekend.  

I've been reading a lot this week, and one book I want to share with you is Blackberry Winter by Sarah Jio.  I enjoy Jio's books because you're always guaranteed a great story.  You can read my review of The Bungalow here and Violets in March here.

Blackberry Winter is a combination love story and mystery presented in two different plots: one in the present and one during the Great Depression.  The common element that bridges the decades is a late spring blizzard in early May, hence the title Blackberry Winter.  In 1933, Vera Ray works the nightshift as a maid in Seattle's most luxurious hotel and returns home to find her son Daniel missing and his beloved Teddy Bear abandoned in the snow. In present-day Seattle, Claire Aldridge is asked by her editor to cover the freak snowstorm by writing a long human-interest piece.  Claire's research uncovers the mystery of Vera's missing son, and there is a connection between Vera and Claire that is uncanny.  One thing I loved about this books is that Claire is friends with Emily from Violets in March.  I love it when writers give you a glimpse into the "happily ever after" of characters from previous much fun!  It was fun revisiting Emily, Jack, and even Aunt Bee. :D

Claire and her husband Ethan have also suffered loss, and if I have any criticism of the book it's that they are unkind and unsupportive to each other at first.  Claire's research for the story doesn't help their relationship at all because it becomes all consuming and distracting.  Ethan's involvement with a former girlfriend who's also an employee doesn't endear his character to the reader, either.  But don't let this frustrate you if you read it because both characters develop and grow as the plot progresses.

I don't want to give away any plot spoilers, but if you enjoy a great story with vivacious characters combined with a historical backstory, then Sarah Jio's books are for you.

Blackberry Winter book trailer

What have you been reading lately?  This is a linky!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I know I would love this book. I don't have a book going right now! I just finished a Christmas book! lol I've been too busy to read!

  2. Ricki Jill so glad to hear you are getting better.
    Take care of yourself and watch that pain.
    That is how my situation started and now surgery will be this week.
    Now I will have plenty of time to sit and read a book, lol

  3. Ricki Jill,
    That book sounds great. I'll add it to my list, which is getting quite long thanks to your fabulous reviews and recommendations.
    Hope you're well on the mend and can rest and relax this weekend.

  4. This sounds wonderful. I am checking the library to see if it is available. I am stocking up for lots of reading after my surgery next week. Hope you feel better soon, sweet friend.

  5. Ricki Jill, glad you are getting better, but sorry that there are still issues. I read Violets in March and know that I will enjoy reading this one. I'll pick up a copy this week. Need a new book. ;-)
    I haven't read the Bungalow either, so will go check out your review. Thanks and take care of yourself.

  6. Ricki Jill glad to hear you are getting better. I hope the meds stop bothering your tummy that is not fun! Take care of yourself.

    The book cover instantly pulls me in but I am going to have to skip this one. I have been reading so many sad things about little kids and having little ones myself I just need to read something happy. thanks for the review. Maybe I can check out one of her other books.

    Hope you get better, relax this weekend.

  7. OooOooOo!!! I LOVE historical-context books, and books set in Seattle. I am definitely getting this one....thank you! :D
    I'm glad you have good books to help you through the pain (and sorry to hear about the tummy thing....have you tried antibiotics on a full tummy, or ginger chews to combat the upset tum?)

  8. I may be interested in this just for the character's name as it uh...happens to be my last name (shhh! that's an internet secret).

    I'm linking up the book that I finished over New Year's. I cannot stop recommending it to folks.

    Feel better RJ.

  9. Hi Ricki! I hope you are really feeling better now. I currently reading John Green's The Fault in Our Stars. As soon as I finished it, I will write a review and link up.

    I remember reading your review about The Bungalow. The author interests me now, especially after you said that you are always assured of a great read. Will definitely add this book on my nook :)

    Have a great and healthier week Ricki!

  10. Hi RJ. I am glad to hear you are on the mend. Antibiotics are not fun, that is for sure. I feel really terrible at the realization that I have had no time to to change that.

  11. This is my first time to join your party, but I'm hoping not the last! This book sounds very good and has been added to my Pinterest board. Thanks so much for hosting!

    So sorry to hear you were sick, but glad you are feeling better. It seems to be the season for illnesses.


  12. Ricki Jill,
    I hope you feel better soon. Reading is a good immersion though! I will have something to add soon!

    When you have time I hope you will come and see the artist I am featuring...he is amazing!


    2013 Artists Series

  13. Ricki Jill~ This book is on my wish list and this week is a great time to catch up on reading! I'm anxious for a return peak at Aunt Bee & Emily :)


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