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Wit & Whimsy: Foyer Troubles

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Readers, I need your help!

We have a sad little foyer.  It is sad because it is tiny, has a closet, and that's about it.  There is virtually no wall space in there, so I've decided to something about it...

I am going to paint a painting of a pretty foyer to put in our foyer.  People will see it and say, "What a pretty foyer!" And then they will associate the "fake" foyer with our foyer.  They will tell everyone, "The Treleavens have the prettiest foyer!"  :/  {Do you really think this will work?}

So here are the three choices, and I want you to vote for your favorite foyer in the poll on the sidebar:

Pretty Bannister

French Chair

Grecian Mirror

What do you think?  I bought an 18" X 24" gessoed panel that won't be framed for the painting. I have my favorite, but I am curious to read your thoughts.

I appreciate your input!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I think the Pretty Bannister would be perfect ... it is really pretty

  2. REALLY hard choice, I like 1 and 2, but the pop of color from the flowers in 1 I think is what makes it the better choice!

  3. Omygosh, I love them all...and I ADORE polls like this....
    I'm going up there to vote right this minute.
    How fun....:))

  4. I voted for the pretty bannister I think it would go so well with your other rooms in your home!

  5. From an artistic point of view, I also vote for the banister. The cool color on the banister stands out from the warm color in the background and of course, those pink flowers!

  6. My favorite is the first one, the pretty banister. So lovely.

  7. It's a great idea. I love the first picture too!

  8. Pretty bannister. I'm a sucker for a staircase!

  9. I'm voting for the pretty banister,which ever one is chosen you will have the prettiest foyer around..Can't wait to see!

  10. You need to mix this up. I like the banister in no. 1, the table in no. 2 and the painting and flower in no. 3.

  11. well how do I choose.
    I think I love the french chair simple is nice
    the others are very spring-y and I am just more in an Autumn winter mood which the french chair reflects more of.
    Gosh I don't know, the last painting you just showed is very similar to the other two choices in flowers and color.
    I would say you are leaning towards the Pretty Banister :)

  12. It was a toss up between 1 and 3, but I went with the simple look of #3 and it looks like I am the only one!! lol! I just think the table is so perfect! Have fun!


  13. I adore the French Chair, #2. What a great idea.The bannister is a bit too cutesy in style (for me).

    Art by Karena

  14. This sounds like a good plan! :) I like #1 & #3, maybe #1 a little bit more.

  15. I vote for number 1. Love the flowers and all the details!

  16. That sounds like my foyer at the lake but add a lovely HVAC exchange :) I'd want #1 hanging in mine!

  17. I really love them all. Great picks, but I guess I will vote for #3.....or.....okay, #3.


  18. LOL I have 19 comments and only 12 votes! :/

  19. I'll vote on your sidebar but I wanted to tell you that hands down, my choice is French Chair! I adore it. Can't wait to see what you decide!

  20. Hi Ricki Jill, I like #1 and #2. I have an entry that's a cubicle with a closet lol, I'm trying to figure out what to do with it. I like your idea.

  21. It's worth a try, and I know your painting will be beautiful!


  22. All are beautiful and I am sure you will do a wonderful job, but I think #1 or #3 would be fun to paint due to the shading. I love painting or drawing fabric like #1 and the little table in #3 would be fun to show the dimensions.

    1. I did vote in the poll. I'm the only vote for #3 so far in the poll you posted. LOL

  23. Oh I vote for number 1 the bannister. It is o pretty!

  24. To me, pretty banister seems most like you. I love the vase with what looks like peonies(one of my favorite flowers also, especially that pink), the table and the wire basket. Although the banister itself is not my style, I think it looks beautiful and interesting with all the other elements. I also like seeing the window and the fabric draped to the side of the table. Whichever you choose, I'm sure that everyone will say that you DO have the prettiest foyer!
    Carole (Stapes)

  25. Great idea, Ricki! I like the first one...Christine

  26. You are so clever Ricki Jill. I think your ideas is genius and just might work....I love the pretty banister foyer. Can't wait to see your painting when it's done...Hope you share it with us.


  27. The 3rd one is beautiful, but the 1st is more "foyer", to me....the design of the stairs, and the airiness of it just strikes me as beautiful. And great idea, by the by!

  28. Brilliant idea. I like number one the best.


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