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My Happy List: The Third Saturday in October

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Welcome to My Happy List!  Mamarazzi is taking a blogging break during October, so I am hosting for her.

If you are Southern you know that the Third Saturday in October is reserved for one of college football's oldest rivalries:  Alabama v. Tennessee.  The game was in Knoxville this year, so we stayed home.


This year, Alabama won 44 - 13.

We spent the weekend at Lake Marin, and we had the best night Saturday night.  We watched part of the football game on TV, then we motored by boat to the Springhouse Restaurant, Tallapoosa County's only five-star restaurant. Two golf carts were waiting for us at the dock to take us to dinner.


 Springhouse Restaurant on beautiful Lake Martin

Three couples joined us, and we had the most delicious dinner beside a huge roaring fire in a pretty stone fireplace.  We needed the warmth after the chilly ride!

I had the roasted duck breast with roasted apples, red pearl onions, caramelized Brussels sprouts and sorghum syrup.  Yummy!  For dessert, I had milk and cookies:  a chocolate pot de creme, whipped cream, and the most delicious shortbread cookies I have ever tasted.

One interesting thing we sampled: a cocktail that we all passed around the table to try.  I hope none of us was sick  ;P   Here is the is very interesting!

Uncle John's Elixir
Uncle John's satsumas
Fresh Booger Hollow Turmeric and Ginger
Cathead Vodka
Gran Manier 

For the ride home, Springhouse sent us on our way with espressos in tiny mason jars.  :D  We took our time motoring home so we could enjoy the Orionid Meteor Shower.  We saw several meteors during the shower, and it was one of the best date nights we have had in a very long time!

Super-fantastic date nights make me SOOOOOOO Happy!!!

What's made you happy lately?  Link-up and share!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Wow, that sounds incredible!! Love it! What a great little ending touch with the mason jars...oh and of course a meteor shower helps too!!

  2. Sounds like a lovely time. Except for the UT-Bama score, that is.

  3. I did it, I did it. Amazing for me to get that organized.

    I loved reading about your date night. That sounds out of this world fantastic. I would love to do something like that. I love that you went to the restaurant by boat.

  4. Wow now thats a date night. Congrats to you
    Date nights are few and far between here.
    This week friends and family have made me happy :)

  5. What a fun time that must have been. woo woo.....:))
    I had fun using cotton bolls for a table centerpiece and that made me HAPPY.

    This is a fun party...just found it and my first time to play.
    Only once a month? How fun.

  6. Sounds amazing, Ricki Jill. So happy you had such a wonderful time.


  7. That sounds like fun! Thanks for hosting the link up!

  8. What a great evening you had...I like the idea of dining in front of a big old fireplace! And that drink! Hmmm...not sure if I recognize any of the ingredients! Love the thought of the boat and golf carts used for transportation! FUN!


  9. Ricki Jill,
    This restaurant looks so charming on the outside, and it sounds even better on the inside with the fire going in the stone fireplace. The chocolate pot de creme sounds interesting and yummy.

    If you want to see the Red Rose Alley girls, Nel did a wedding post. It is the first time that we put pictures of us on there. I wanted to make sure I told you, as you were one of my first bloggy friends, and that means so much to me.

    Much love,

  10. You had me at the shortbread cookies! Sounds like a fabulous glad you enjoyed it!

  11. Wow, Bama beat Tennessee nearly as badly as Florida beat my Gamecocks this weekend. Roasted duck sounds amazing.

  12. Hi! I found your blog via another I was visiting. Your blog is wonderful, I have so much to learn about blog tecnical side..! I won't have time tonight to make a list but will for next week and link up! So very nice to find you! Happy Autumn, Dianna

  13. Wow! What a beautiful date night you had. Lucky Ducky! I think this weekend was very much needed for you. I am glad it turned out wonderful.

  14. Milk and cookies rule the dessert world! So glad you had such a wonderful date, a better end to your week than the beginning!


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