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Fancy Dress Dessert Fete At The Leaky Cauldron

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Hagrid, Professor of Magical Creatures at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry,
Formally invites you to a 
Fancy Dress Dessert Fete
The Leaky Cauldron
Thursday, Eleventh of October 2012

*Regrets only by owl

Hagrid wants to share a special treat with his friends.  While in the South visiting Hogwarts exchange student Bubba Bedford-Lee, Hagrid feasted on the fanciest cuisine he has ever had in his life:

Royal Crown Cola (more commonly know as RC Cola) and Moonpies


Welcome to The Leaky Cauldron



These eggs were hand blown and painted by a Ukranian artist


Poor Ron.  Hagrid seems to have invited a few of his eight-legged friends, too!


The anatomy of a Moonpie:  cake, marshmallow filling, and icing.  This one is a vanilla Moonpie.



The mystery cola?  RC!


The wonderful graphics are from Halloween with Matthew Mead!



Hagrid is also serving M&M's and thumbprint cookies for those with a less sophisticated palette.



Yummy Moonpies!

Will you join Hagrid?  Have you ever tried an RC and a Moonpie before?

Don't forget that tomorrow is Literary Friday!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. How darling! RC Cola and Moonpie is so Southern. I'm not a fan of moonpies a whole lot, but with this decor, they are great!

  2. What a great imagination you have RJ! love it! I could use a little of this in my life...thanks!

  3. Ricki Jill, this is just awesome! Your creativity just amazes me!

  4. Wow...your dining room is amazing! All the details on your magazine worthy! I am so in love with your chandelier! Gorgeous room and table!
    Miss Bloomers

  5. I want to come over! Love all of your Halloween touches!


  6. Ricki Jill,
    I am in love with the black and white jars. I have been looking everywhere for a tea pot in the same design, but can't find one. The black spiders on the white roses is a nice touch. And I love the moon design with the moon pies. I noticed the black and white chandelier - did you go with that color combination in your kitchen? What a fun post this is!
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  7. Thank you for stopping by my carnival post. The Leaky Cauldron is quite an elegant establishment - enjoy those moon pies!

  8. So cute. I've never had a moon pie or an RC Cola, but now that I know they are typically southern I will have to have some when I'm next in the south. Spiders on your roses - I"m with Ron in thinking they are creepy.

  9. I love this!!!! Those eggs are fabulous. I love the checked shades and tableware. This is so awesome. I hope you had some folks over to see it. I would hate to mess it up it is so detailed. On a another note I am clenching my teeth at this debate. Makes me sick to crap that is shoveled out.

  10. Oh how fun and very creative! I love this Ricki Jill!!! I love everything about your party, the decorations, the ambiance, the desert, the post. Thank you so much!

  11. Oh, this is absolutely adorable! so many details, you could do a blog post on each, white roses with spiders...All so cute!


  12. Cute tablescape! I don't think I've ever had a moonpie. That's sad coming from a southern girl.

  13. Hi Ricki Jill~ Hogwarts will never be the same if RC Cola is substituted for Butterbeer and MoonPies for magical sweets! I love your MC and Matthew Mead labels at the table. Poor Ron and his Arachnophobia :) Have you read The Casual Vacancy yet?

  14. What a wonderful table! MoonPies originated near where my parents live. Once when we were visiting, we made a special point of getting MoonPies in Bell Buckle, TN. Neither kid liked them. And, honestly, I never liked them either. (I'm just not an authentic Southerner I guess.)

  15. I LOVE this, it looks gorgeous! You are so good at decor!

  16. Oh I have not had a RC cola since I was a child (that has been a bunch of years ago!!!!). Than moon pie sure does look fancy cut into and photographed the way you did it :)
    Anyhoo, I know this is not what this post is about, but I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that chandy! And the little shades??? I am drooling over them too!

  17. Oh this is such an elegant dessert fete Ricki Jill. Great tricks and delicious treats. I don't know when I've last heard the line Moon Pies and RC Cola, love it! Great graphics..........

    The French Hutch

  18. I want a spider web painted egg NOW!!! (Ok, I know I used my Veruca voice just the other day, but it was eggs this times, so how could I resist?) Mmmmmm...Moon pies...mmmmmmmm! I haven't had or heard about RC Cola in a long time!

  19. How creative and decorative! Great table and pictures!

  20. Oh, such a fun & creative dining room table!


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