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My Happy List: End of Summer Happy

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Hosting My Happy List for Mamarazzi This Week and Next

As summer winds down, we have been enjoying the gorgeous weather.

My Happy List

1.   What a gorgeous weekend we enjoyed at Lake Martin over the weekend.  Once the storms cleared Saturday afternoon, the weather was absolutely *perfect*  Enjoying the lake this time of year makes me so happy!


Shelley and her friends tubing on Lake Martin

2.   This is probably my last summer tablescape for 2012.  The weather has been too gorgeous this week for fall decor.  The tropical colors make me happy!


More photos and details about this tablescape tomorrow!

3.   Miss Angie and I will be hosting our Summer Smashing Party this Thursday, September 13th.  If you want to share pages from your journal, please link-up and share!  It would make us so happy if you would share your creative journals!

Are you enjoying these final two weeks of summer?  I sure hope so!

Mamarazzi is taking a little blog break, so I will be hosting My Happy List for her. Please link-up and share your happy!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Looks like a fun time was had by all.
    Enjoy the last bit of summer whiles it's here.

  2. This was a beautiful summer and it went by much too quickly!

  3. That's a lot to be happy for! :)

    Thanks for hosting this week! :)

  4. Loving that tabelscape. Can't wait until the Summer Smashing Party on Thursday. Thanks for hosting the Happy List party this week!

  5. I love popping by here you have so many beautiful table displays that always make me smile not as smily as those girls on the lake but hey they're at the lake and I am not so I will give them this win on the smiles LOL thanks for hosting/filling in :)

  6. Well, pretty much anything with sunflowers makes me happy! I think I already have a New Year's Resolution -- to join The Happy List Party, because reading yours and a couple of others always makes me happy.

    I'm looking forward to the Smash Book Party!


  7. Reading your Happy List just makes me happy too.


Comments are friendly!

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I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.
