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Banned Books Week Freedom to Read Celebration

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I want to honor Banned Books Week by having a special Literary Friday link party on Friday, October 5th.  Let's celebrate our freedom to read by writing a post about our favorite banned book, and linking-up!

I wonder which book I will re-read and post about.  Here are three contenders:


There will be prizes for a few lucky winners, too!  :D

If you would like to read a list of classics that have been either banned or challenged, please click here for the link.

I hope that y'all will celebrate our freedom to read this month.  Will you join me?

Until next time...

Happy reading!
Ricki Jill


  1. The banned books always baffle me. Thanks for sharing the link. I have a feeling my daughter is going to love to see it.

  2. Those are some good banned books-- you have a difficult choice. Hmmm...I think I've got one in mind.

  3. A wrinkle in time, that was the first book that my father read to me that I can vividly remember. I loved it, loved him reading it to me and I think it is why I love sci-fi books now. Of the three you posted I would read that one again. It is also my very best friends favorite book.

    Guess I need to go find a banned book so I can take part.


  4. Goodness me was Harry Potter banned in the USA?

  5. I read "A Wrinkle in Time" in college (children's lit class) and loved it. I can't believe it's a banned book.

  6. Replies
    1. Harry Potter has been banned and challenged often. I think it is interesting to see the list of banned and challenged books. I think our freedom to read is far too important. Not that we should read everything out there....we definitely need to be parents and make good choices within the home. But I believe in our freedoms, and that individuals should make the decision, not institutions.

  7. Oh I am so doing this. All the books you have are very good books and I do not see what or why they would be banned or challenged.


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