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My Happy List: Kindnesses

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I am happy because we have so many kind friends.  It has been a rough time for us, and I want you to know how much we appreciate all of the prayers, emails, FB posts, calls, cards, flowers, etc.  Thank-you.

My Happy List

1.   I want to thank Ginger for giving us these lovely tomatoes she grew in her garden.  Fresh produce makes me happy!  


Ginger gave us tons of tomatoes, but they did not last very long around here!

2.   Dawn gave me this delicious shagbark hickory syrup, a product that is native to Ohio.  I had never tried it before, but now I must confess that I am addicted!  It is sweeter and lighter than maple syrup, and I must say that it has made many mornings happier!  Thanks, Dawnie!


3.   Of course the folks in New Orleans have been wonderfully kind to us. When we went down for the funeral, we did not want to stress out my mother-in-law, so we stayed at the Ritz Carlton. Mr. Art @ Home's great grandfather designed and built the building (the original Maison Blanche building), and we suspect that the overly large portrait in the lobby is his great grandmother.  Shelley looks scarily like her!  The staff had placed some of the most stunning flowers in our suite.  Kind gestures make me so very happy!


4.   Mr. Art @ Home's Uncle Peter treated us to dinner @ Pascal's Manale, one of the best restaurants in Uptown New Orleans.  It was fun visiting with Peter and his sweet family, and it made us happy in spite of our grief.  :D Uncle Peter, please send us photos y'all took of the girls!  ;P

5.   We are grateful to some peeps who helped us with Shanley's move.  A couple of KA's helped, and the talented folks at Southern Accents in Cullman, Alabama helped Mr. Art @ Home finish a project just in time for Shanley's move.  Getting things done makes me happy!


Can you guess what the little cubbies in the headboard are for?  More in a later post!

6.   Andrea shared this image of hydrangeas with me.  She snapped this photo on the Cape during her vacation.  Kind, thoughtful folks make me happy!!!


7.   A large part of our road trip was visiting several Indie Book Stores on our way to upstate New York.  We truly received some great service and reading suggestions.  We *love*:

Octavia Books, New Orleans
Parnassus Books, Nashville
Carmichael Books, Louisville
The Book Loft, Columbus

I have plenty of books now to last me into the fall!  And you know how happy great books make me!


I bought one book at each stop.  One seems to be missing, and if I were a betting woman I would bet that Shanley Belle has it!  :/

8.   Two rooms are a mess upstairs.  We are working on a library/study and Shelley's bedroom. We are making some progress, and I have enjoyed making a board on Pinterest for Cozy Home Libraries!  Are you following me on Pinterest yet?  It would make me happy if you would!


Pinned on my board, Cozy Home Libraries

9.   Stay tuned for a giveaway that will be posted later today!  :D  Giveaways make me so happy. Here is a hint:

Please join Mamarazzi, and share your happy!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. You have a great happy list.
    How cool to have stayed in such a family history filled building.
    That headboard is so crazy good. WOW.
    Glad things are so happy this week :)

  2. The generosity of your family, friends and neighbors is heartwarming. I love when people come together to help others. You really are blessed!


  3. I am so happy that you had so many pops of happiness! And for the hydrangea to be included in the list was just syrup on the pancake! I can't wait to see more of the cubby project. I am happy you were in Upstate New York, but sad that our paths didn't cross. I have put off joining pinterest, but you know, if it's going to make you happy...

  4. I'm so glad you have a happy list this week....I know it's been a tough time! I hope you can enjoy some peace and quiet soon! I know you must be tired! Sweet hugs!

  5. I've been having so much fun with my Smashjournal.....thanks for the inspiration! I'm glad you have had such kindness during a difficult and busy time.

    And as far as Shanley Belle and the missing book goes....this just gives you further incentive to visit her, right? ;)

  6. Aww, yay for the good thoughs of others and the books! Books are the best! Ooh la la giveaway, I've got to get my butt in gear with my smashbooks, this thing is ending next month!

  7. I"m glad you have a happy list.


  8. Hope you see the light at the end of your busy tunnel RJ. You certainly learned some interesting family history at the hotel too. Lovely flowers and so thoughtful. How nice you are adding a library for Shelly, I'm sure it will make her happy! Nothing like fresh tomatoes from the garden and I'm not sure about the headboard unless the cubbies are for favorite books……….

    The French Hutch

  9. What a great list. I hope you have more photos of the hotel designed by the Mr.'s great grandfather. I would love to see the painting that looks like Shelley. I think that is so cool.

    You've had quite the busy few weeks. I bet you need a holiday now ;)

  10. I am so glad that despite your grief, you found comfort and even some laughter. What a wonderful story about the hotel.

  11. I am glad you are back and that things went well considering the circumstance. Your friends have showered you with kindness and it is nice that you appreciate them so much. That's what friends are for, as they say. Take care------------ Shannon

  12. Ginger's tomatoes look amazing, Ricki Jill. There is nothing like eating home grown tomatoes, is there? Are you enjoying the summer days? It has been hot here in California, and trying to stay out of the heat - as I get older, it knocks me out. In the beginning you mentioned prayers, e-mails, flowers, and cards. What is this about, dear?
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  13. What a great list, the syrup looks delish. Good luck on the room reinventing big project but the joys that follow when finished will be worth it :] Good for you on the new books how fun :]

  14. wow. lots and lots of HAPPY!!!

    i am in love with the headboard...i can't wait to hear more about it!!

    thanks for linking up. Sorry the linky was slow! I hope you can see the link list now too :)

  15. That headboard is awesome! I agree with Miss Angie, I need to put some time into my Smashbook.

    Glad you had a safe trip and spent some time with family, even if the purpose of the trip wasn't for the happiest of reasons.

  16. OH so many things to be happy for. Fresh produce makes me very happy. Love the headboard, I can't wait for your post.

    I'm glad you had a nice trip.

  17. I am so glad my tomatoes made you happy. Wish I could have given you more. The flowers in your room were stunning. Shanley's headboard rocks! I know she will love it and enjoy all the space for her books.


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