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My Happy List: Matthew. Clairmont. *le sigh*

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Mr. Art @ Home has competition for my affections...oh, YES, he does!  There are three men who make my poor little heart skip a beat.  They are:

1.   James Malcolm Alexander MacKenzie Fraser
2.   Sir Rowley Picot
3.   Matthew Clairmont

These are characters from my three favorite books series, and this happy list is all about:

Matthew Clairmont    

My Happy List

Yesterday I had lunch with my sweet friend Jean.  It was so nice visiting with her *and* just *look* at what she is sharing with me:



Oh, jealous.  Be VERY VERY jealous!!!  ;P   Seriously I am so happy to get an ARC of Shadow of Night, the highly anticipated sequel to A Discovery of Witches which will not be released until July 10th.  If I do not blog much the next few days, it is because I am reading.  *squee*

And I bet you can guess what my topic will be for this week's Literary Friday!  ;P

What is making you happy this week?

Mamarazzi @ Dandelion Wishes hosts this linky, but she is taking a break for a couple of weeks.  Aubrey @ High Heeled Love is this week's hostess, so link-up and share your happy!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Hi Ricki! I always consider your book choices on my list. However, the bulk of e-books I have is lately overwhelming me. I really hope I could read everything.

    Have a great day!

  2. I am looking forward to reading your thoughts this Friday. In the meantime, I'll check out A Discovery of Witches. Your daisies are pretty, too!

    Thanks for playing along!

  3. Of course your honeys would be writers. Mine is Colin Firth. Major crush on him since Pride and Prejudice. Some fat bald man came at Mr. Darcy to my SIL halloween party and I nearly threw up. Unless you look like Colin Firth please don't pretend to be a Mr. Darcy. It is hard on us women to see.

  4. I'm ready to start a new book. I'll look at my TBR pile and choose one!

  5. *gasp* Well I don't know what to say. I am very envious. Shadow of Night a whole month early! Be gentle in your Friday post for those of us who have to wait! By the way, A Discovery of Witches was just $2.99 for Kindle the other day, for one day. Of course I bought it, even though I have the hardcover and the audiobook. You know, just in case I'm ever trapped on a deserted island with only my Kindle for reading material.
    Carole (Stapes)
    P.S. You know I agree with your literary heroes.

  6. I am so jealous. I have been waiting patiently for Shadow of Night. I guess I just have to wait longer :(

  7. You seem to be one lukcy ducky. I can see why this would make your HAPPY LIST!

  8. Oh you lucky girl! I saw Matthew Clairmont in your title and couldn't wait to read your post. He is one of my favorite literary characters as well. Mr. Darcy is #1 though.

  9. Well, well, aren't you the lucky one! I am going to be extremely happy when I can stop working for a bit (in 2weeks) and get caught up on all the reading that I have been putting aside!! At that point I will have to scroll through some of your older posts and set my reading list for the summer!! :) Happily!

  10. It is torture, seeing this book on the counter. Let me tell you. <3!

    1. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! You so deserve it. You know what they say about karma.... Remember when you won Cassie's FIne Arts contest and received an ARC of City of Glass? I remember it well, would not let me read it until the release date!!! ;P Now THAT was Torture!!!

  11. Hello there - it sounds like you'll be enjoying the next few days reading - it is quite lovely to get together with friends - you've reminded me I do need to invite a dear friend or two over for lunch!
    I hope you have a blessed day!

  12. Argh! I feel like I have been reading my current book selection forever...again!

  13. I need to switch gears and read something different! I have been reading ALL of Lisa Wingate's books! haha! I am happy to be getting some new shelves in my bedroom this weekend! More places for books...and pretties! Hugs!

  14. What???? I am so jealous! I've been waiting for the sequel to DOW forever! I wish I knew someone who had connections!


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