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Literary Friday: The Rose Garden

Friday, April 13, 2012


This week I read The Rose Garden by Susanna Kearsley.    This is the second book of hers I have read; you can read my post about The Winter Sea here.  I enjoyed The Winter Sea only slightly better that The Rose Garden, but both are fantastic.  Some friends who have also read Mariana claim that it is even better that tho other two.  If you have read Mariana, I would love your input!

The Rose Garden is a time travel story set in Cornwall.  Eva Ward has returned to Trelowarth estate to scatter the ashes of her sister.  She has chosen Trelowarth for her sister's final resting place because they spent many happy childhood summers there.  At Trelowarth, Eva struggles with her grief.  She becomes concerned with her mental health when she begins hearing voices and having hallucinations.  Soon she recognizes that her experiences are not manifestations of grief:  She has been traveling back in time to the early eighteenth century shortly before the Jacobite rebellion.

While in the past, Eva meets Daniel Butler, Trelowarth's dashing master. Daniel is a smuggler by trade, and he is a Jacobite sympathizer who couldn't care less about the anniversary of King George's coronation.  Of course Eva knows the outcome of the rebellion, but how can she warn Daniel without changing history?  Eva struggles to come to terms with her grief while she determines where she belongs in time.

I enjoyed the Cornish folklore Kearsley wove throughout the plot.  Mr. Art @ Home's family is Cornish (most Tre-names, like Trelowarth and Treleaven(our last name) are Cornish).  The Cornish customs that sprang from folklore and superstitions are fun to read about in The Rose Garden.  I also enjoyed Kearsley's treatment of time travel.  It is truly one of the most creative time travel worlds I have ever read, and I love her explanation of Eva's experiences.  The only thing I did not like about The Rose Garden is the ending.  It ended rather abruptly, and it did not fit with the rest of the story arc. Still, it was very well-written, and I would not have minded reading a longer book because I still have questions.  I wish Kearsley would write a sequel!

Until next time...

Happy reading!
Ricki Jill


  1. I went to the library web site and requested The Winter Sea. I'll read it next and let you know how I like it...I know I will! And then I'll have to wait for this one! Thanks for the review! Hugs!

  2. Hi Ricky Jill, how ARE YOU PRETTY GIRL!! So glad to hear from you and thank you for your sweet and lovely comments. I love your book, I'm going to suggest my friend Steph who's in the US right now, but lives here...maybe she'll bring it and we both can read it. Thanks for the review, as it helped me see it's my kinda read! Enjoy your weekend.

  3. Hi Ricky Jill, how ARE YOU PRETTY GIRL!! So glad to hear from you and thank you for your sweet and lovely comments. I love your book, I'm going to suggest my friend Steph who's in the US right now, but lives here...maybe she'll bring it and we both can read it. Thanks for the review, as it helped me see it's my kinda read! Enjoy your weekend.

  4. I have read both Winter Sea and the Rose Garden and love them both. I have had Mariana on a price-drop watch list for awhile so have not read it. I also have The Shadowy Horses by her but haven't read it yet. I really love her books. They are definite keepers.
    Carole (Stapes)

  5. thanks for the review, sounds very interesting, I have read the Shadowy Horses, I like books in the proper sequence, gee that makes me mad, I find out after I buy a book that there are several maybe before mine then I have to find them all. I get hooked on an author and search out everything they have written,

  6. Thank you Ricki,
    This sounds like a beautiful read... The cover alone would have captured my attention to read it! I have copied down the names of ALL THREE of these books to add to my library and reading list. I LOVE following authors and do it often!
    I am currently reading "FOLLY" by Laurie R. King. Although I'm only a third of the way into it, it has CAPTURED me and I do believe "I MAY be recommending it"! If so, I'll be collecting all her other books too...
    Big Hugs to you,

  7. Hi Ricki,
    I just checked ALIBRIS website(I get LOTS of my books there)
    AND Susanna Kearsley has some fantastic books available there.
    Thank you again for the recommendation...

  8. I read this book last month and loved it! Marianna is still my favourite though.
    Did you check out the Birth house yet? So many great reads out there!!
    Happy weekend Ricki!
    Pamela xo

  9. Hi Ricki Jill I love these book reviews and The Rose Garden Sounds wonderful!!

    I am having a $100 Gift Card Giveaway from Soft Surroundings If you would like to enter.

    Art by Karen

  10. An interesting review, not ever having heard of this author before all the titles you mention are unknown to me, I will have to look out for her work now.


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