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Freesias, Hydrangeas, and Our Dining Room Revisited

Saturday, April 14, 2012

I want to thank y'all for all of your kind comments about our dining room. Since we did not soil the tablecloth (it just needed a good brushing for crumbs) I washed the napkins and dishes and reset it!  I did make a couple of changes, though.


First, I added the wine glasses I bought Mr. Art @ Home for our anniversary. They are French, very heavy, and cheap.  He wanted some glasses for our deck that would be hard to knock over.


These wine glasses are very heavy and short.  Hopefully we will not break them, but they are cheap and easily replaced.

I also exchanged the daisies for hydrangeas and freesias because I bought a large bunch of freesias at the market for $4.99.  :D They smell heavenly!  I brought the hydrangeas in from outside.  The giant one is from our neighbors' yard, and the smaller ones are from ours (and yes I did ask permission).


This giant mutant blue hydrangea came from a neighbor's yard.  Ours are smaller and not so blue, although I have a few on one bush that are very purple.  I need some lessons on hydrangea maintenance!  We have only had them for a little over a year.

We have been working in the garden all day today planting our containers and weeding the hydrangea and rose beds.  I will post photos later next week.

What have you been doing today?  It has been beautiful here: perfect gardening weather!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I love your hydrangeas...

    Tried growing them here, but apparently our soil is too sandy (we are quite close to the beach) and they don't do well. I've tried replacing the soil with a good mixture, but within a short time, it's all sand again. Oh well...At least I have the beach nearby!

  2. Ricki Jill, I should have been out in the garden, but instead I've been reading all day. Michael Lee's latest book arrived yesterday. ;-)
    Hydrangeas and freesias ~ must have a beautiful fragrance sitting around your beautiful table.

  3. love the color of your tablecloth, BEAUTIFUL!!!!

  4. The flowers are beautiful and compliment each other perfectly! I love your tablecloth and I, too, am looking for some pretty wine glasses that I can bring outside at the lake. Dollar Tree?!


  5. Dear Ricki, Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving me such kinds words. I appreciate you also taking my button. The flowers are gorgeous. I might have to venture out and get some freesias. Those glasses are charming.Be still my heart, those Hydrangeas are breathtaking. Thanks for sharing such a lovely post. XO, Linda

  6. Your dining room is so pretty! I love your chairs...and the tablecloth & the pretty flowers too.

  7. Good Evening Ricki Sweetie...
    Oh my gosh what a gorgeous table setting. I love it. The table cloth is so lovely and festive. Just the perfect touch to go with these gorgeous hydrangeas. I have always loved them. Back home Momma always had a pink and a purple right by the steps to the house. I loved watching these gorgeous blooms. They were always so big. I love the addition of freesias as well. A beautiful element of surprise. The color combination is gorgeous. What a beautiful arrangement you made sweet friend.

    Love the glasses as well. The look so elegant.

    Thank you for sharing sweet friend. I love this table setting, and any one of your guests would be so lucky to dine at this table. Just gorgeous.

    Many hugs sweet friend and much love, Sherry

  8. Ricki, I love your blooms! So great to have generous neighbors. Your tablecloth is gorgeous also. Love, love the color. I have a Limelight Hydrangea tree that does great. I got alot of blooms off of it last year and it's just miniature. Not so lucky with the bushes. Just can't keep them alive here in UT.

  9. The table is just beautiful. I love hydrangeas so much but have not been able to grow them out here in West Texas. Today was high winds and sand...then about an hour ago, a tiny cloud spit hail and about 3 big rain drops and moved on. :))

  10. simply gorgeous! now if i could only get rid of this black thumb ;) hugs...

  11. Hi Ricki,
    I've reached your blog via a link at Karen's Shabby Sweet Cottage.
    Your table setting is amazing, especially your table cloth of which I could have a better glimpse from your previous post.
    Hydrangeas, along with roses and peonies, are my fave flowers, I live in an apartment so no bushes possible for me byut just bought a purple hydrangea in a pot which I keep in one of my balconies. it's been here for only a week now so difficult to predict whether it will survive my black thumb!!

  12. Beautiful table. I love hydrangeas. I grow Anna belle.
    White then turn to green.

  13. Hi Ricki Jill, What a lovely floral arrangement you made for the dining room. I think hydrangeas are such pretty flowers for arranging and usually last a while. I love to let them dry for arrangements for fall and winter. Usually the more mature blooms work best for this toward the end of the summer. I had them all over in my last yard but they don't do well here, to sunny I think. I love your new wine glasses, great for using outside.
    Enjoy your Sunday…….

    The French Hutch

  14. Happy Sunday Ricki! I love your flower arrangement and our hydrangeas are no where near blooming - you are so far ahead of us in the growing season!

    I started making tablecloths and noticed that your blue and white cloth has the cutest trim along the edge - I'll have to remember that for something fun to add.

    Also - hope your neighbor Holly and little Sarah Rose are doing well - tell them I asked about them and they are in my thoughts

    All the best for a great Sunday,

  15. Wow- gorgeous! My flowers aren't growing so much right now, despite the warm and sunny weather we've been having, so I'm enjoying seeing yours on display. As always, your gorgeous dining set brightens my day- I can't wait for the time when my dining room gets cleared of potting supplies so I can decorate it as well! :D

  16. Your dining room is so beautiful and fresh looking, Ricki! Thanks for sharing it again...Christine

  17. The table looks gorgeous and you know it!! I love the fresh flowers on the table. how lucky are you to have fresh hydrangeas like those (or your neighbors:P)!!!

  18. So pretty, so light and so fresh. Love those flowers. Oh spring is in full force.

  19. Very nice table setting and the new heavy glasses are really pretty. Freesia's are so fragrant and beautiful. They mix perfectly with the hydrangeas.

  20. Those beautiful chairs again! Love the flowers and tablecloths!

  21. So pretty! I love hydrangeas and I believe you when you say the freesias smell so wonderful! The tablecloth is beautiful! I love the light and airy-ness!

  22. Oh, how beautiful is that! I love hydrangeas.

  23. I love your hydrangeas too. I live in the city and more often than not, I rarely see such beautiful and refreshing flowers. It's very relaxing to see them especially after a busy day at work or just having them during meals with the family. Flowers make the scenery look and feel so special.


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