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Chocolate Cake

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Shelley and I wanted to bake a cake for Mr. Art @Home.  After we put away the St. Patrick's Day decorations, we set the breakfast table for dessert, and started baking!




We baked the chocolate cake from a gluten free mix.


I have used several products from this company, and I have liked them all!

We were very pleased with the results!  The cake is delicious.



We are enjoying spring break so much.  We have baked, created art, shopped, gone on walks, and enjoyed an afternoon at the library.  What have you been doing this week?

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. That cake is too pretty to eat! The table is so so beautiful and springy! I have seen this brand at my Kroger and will definitely try it. They have a shortbread cookie mix I've been tempted to try since I cannot get Amy's here!! I'm having withdrawals!

  2. Oh Ricki Jill what a gorgeous cake. I want to know where you got that cake pan. It looks scrumtious. Sounds like you are enjoying your daughter.

  3. Your cake looks good! It's good to know that there's a gluten-free mix out there that is actually good.

  4. How yummy and what fun you're having. I went to the library book sale today and that was fun. Didn't find any books I was looking for...but bought a few anyway! lol Enjoy your week and this special time together.

  5. What a beautiful and fun looking table. Love the mix of prints on all the pieces and they all go together so nicely. Beautiful and yummy looking cake. You always make things look so effortless! Wish I had that knack.
    Carole (Stapes)

  6. oh my gosh, that's gorgeous! i would've had trouble eating that pretty thing!!

  7. Such a pretty cake!! I had my first GF baking expereience this week. The Redmill products are great!! Hope Mr. enjoyed his cake!

  8. That is such a beautiful cake, Ricki Jill. I think it's wonderful that you & your daughter are enjoying Spring Break together. We spent a few hours today at our son's home watching our Grands enjoy their Spring Break at the pool. Hope you continue to have fun!

  9. Thanks! My mom hates the Bob's Red Mill gluten-free mixes, but she's only tried the muffins, so I didn't want to get the cake mixes and be disappointed. It helps, seeing someone else succeed with those. :)

  10. My that cake looks gorgeous. I have had mixes from this company before, but haven't seen this one. Cheers

  11. Wow! I can feel the love and sweetness of the cake from here :D A cake prepared with love is priceless!

  12. Ricki Jill, that is one gorgeous cake. I love the way it repeats the shape of your roses too. I can tell you are an artist! Wish I could be there to share a piece with you.

  13. Afternoon tea how lovely, our week has been busy with the olive tree pruning.

  14. I love Red Mill gluten free, but my cakes have never looked that pretty. Your table looks so sweet and springy.

  15. That looks soooo yummy, and those flowers are pretty!

  16. Sounds like you are enjoying the youngest being home this week. You set a lovely table with your gorgeous Mac-Kenzie Childs collection for your Mr. The cake turned out so pretty, I love the cake pan you use, looks like a flower! I have one I love that is a cathedral cake pan. I'm very interested in the gluten free mix. May I ask where you find those?
    Hope the rain is gone for the weekend. Have a good one.

    The French Hutch

  17. A very inviting table setting! The cake looks yummy and I too like Bob's Red Mill products so I will have to give this a try. Thanks for sharing!

  18. That cake looks just delish Ricki Jill! I'm so happy you and your daughter are enjoying Spring Break to the fullest. Our Spring break isn't until the first week of April and my hubby, daughter and I have a week full of fun planned...Can't wait. Wishing you and your family an awesome rest of Spring break.

    Hugs and Kisses,

  19. Spring break is a precious thing! Sounds like you are making the best out of your time! You have set such a colorful and lovely table. I so enjoy your mix of color and patterns!
    I am happy to find you!

  20. That cake looks so yummy! I have never tried any of Bob's products, but my Co-Op sells them. If you like them, I probably will too. Glad you girls are having so much fun together. Precious moments like those are such treasures.

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  21. Your table always looks so beautiful... and that cake looks amazing!

  22. Yummy, I'm going to try this one. Our grandson eats nothing but gluten free. I have tried the brownies and they were delicious.

  23. Your table and china look so beautiful, and that cake yum!!!
    Ricky Jill you have such great taste!!

    I hope you will Come and enter my amazing Cross Bottle Guy Giveaway!

    Art by Karena


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I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.
