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Back from Spring Break

Monday, March 26, 2012


Bonnie enjoying Lake Martin on Saturday.  She loves boating!

We spent a long weekend at the lake for spring break.  The break was spread over two weeks for us, and I am so happy to be back in a routine!

I spent most of the day today trying to get our house back in order.  I need to run tons of errands tomorrow, and I hope that I can finish my chores tomorrow, too.

Have your kids been out for spring break yet?  What did you do?  What are your plans if your kids have not had break yet?

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. What a fabulous photo! I'm glad you had fun! It's been a bunch of years since my kids were in school! But we always had fun! I sure do miss them! Enjoy your week! ♥♥♥

  2. I'm so glad you enjoyed your Spring Break...Lake Martin looks beautiful and peaceful.

    Our Spring break does not begin until April 6th. I can't wait! I'm not sure what we'll end up doing, but I do know my daughter & I are going to NYC to see The Phantom of the Opera.

  3. Wow! That is one beautiful break I mean view. My children's Spring break does not come until next month. No real plans as of yet.


  4. No we have two more weeks. I am ready for a break from all the driving. The lake looks so gorgeous.

  5. It's amazing how much housework accumulates when you are on a break from routine or go away, isn't it. I'm still catching up myself. It looks like you had great weather at the lake.

  6. What a gorgeous time you've had! I'm envious. :)

  7. What a great picture! Oh goodness if that picture represents your break, you had a great time!


  8. Cute photo and a fantastic view out there Ricki! I live in a country where we only have two seasons :) If it is spring in your place, the temperature is rising here as summer is about to enter.

    Wishing you a great day ahead!

  9. Fab! Love the photo-I have to take Bella on a boat.

  10. Great photo of Bonnie! She is so cute, I can't stand it. Sounds like heaven to be at the lake for a long weekend. Looks like the weather was beautiful. Spring break is late here. I think it starts April 2. Have a great catch up day.

  11. Ricki Jill, this looks like a wonderful day at the lake. Bonnie sure is giving her approval of your spring break getaway! We certainly had vacation weather here, perfect timing! Routines are always nice to get home to.


  12. She looks comfy in that chair! We had mid-winter break...which was not so wintery at all! My biggest plan for our spring break in two weeks is to not get up at 6:00 everyday...or any day, I should say!

  13. Looks like y'all had a great time, including little Bonnie! Beautiful setting!


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